Friday, March 2, 2018

Paid fvckfaces are mimicking me

Anonymous coward disinfo scum are co-opting my schtick. It was revealed in Snowden documents that this certainly takes place.

                                     "Can I game this?"

Isn't that nice to be called a tinfoiler? The person also refers to itself as a conspiracy theorist. This scumbag can go to hell. Stop being anonymous coward shit with a weird username and maybe "conspiracy story" experts such as myself won't be able to identify you as cointelpro within minutes.

The fake speaks of we and start-ups:

                         "We didn't want to advertise on conspiracy"

Disinfo agents make the worst liars. Regular people will often tell white lies to either avoid confrontation or to not hurt someone's feelings. One needs to pick one's battles. The Five Eyes are all about controlling narratives and emotions. It's all in the Snowden documents. They desire to game social media. They wish to identify every single person who writes on it.

"control attention"
"simulate the action"
"simulate the outcome"

Cointelpro morons couldn't be more obvious. Here's another snippet:


This person can go to hell. He or she refers to itself as a conspiracy theorist yet claims to not have wanted to post this on the conspiracy board. It also gives no info in which people can check it out on their own anonymously. If you want more info, then contact this blob in direct messages. Then said blob will have the tools by which to identify you. That's how all this works. It's coming from a number of angles. They wish to herd people into two camps. Everything to them is dual. You are right or left. You are a kook or grown-up. One angle is to i.d.. Another is to maintain the idea of "conspiracy stories."

                                         "conspiracy stories" under group


                    "We can discuss your love of cocaine!"

         "I'm not cointelpro. Let's discuss conspiracies and cocaine in private."

James Corbett and all of Reddit Conspiracy is paid fake garbage. Don't fall for any of it.

                                 The above is apparently a quote from Corbett.

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