Monday, March 5, 2018

Quitting the medium is one's only true option

I have dramatically cut back on using the medium in reference to media and society. Stamps and housecleaning have been very therapeutic during this final stage of weaning off of internet addiction. It's not the internet in itself which is the problem. It is extremely helpful for identifying stamps, for one example. I can listen to music.

I took a quick look and noticed that Jimmy Dore had a fallout with Cenk and there was also a new conspiracy story saying Alex Jones had been censored by Youtube. The latter seems to be about advertisers pulling out, not that he's been deleted. But I really don't g.a.f. either way. I don't really care about Dore. I trolled his butt on Twitter telling him to leave TYT. I was all over Cenk for his Armenian Genocide denial and couldn't figure out why Dore would be involved with him.

And it's been quite a while since it became obvious that TYT is a DNC Soros-styled website. Jimmy is basically the Bernie Sanders of social media. Good luck with that. He's not saying anything new or refreshing. It's not rocket science to realise everything is rigged and fake. Some of us have known this for entire lives.

Yeah, it's nuts for two clowns with sex harassment/rape allegations in their past to be getting #MeToo awards. The Oscars is the apex of all garbage. People may rise and shine one day to realise that it sucks and is stupid, like all things on the social internet. Hollywood is a chief architect involved with rise and shine brainwashing. Just cut the cord. It's that simple.

The story of the teacher with the white supremacy channel has taken a bizarro turn. She claims it was all a parody. But I took a listen and it sounded sincere and not satire. What I think deep down is that she is involved in a Hal Turner styled job role with cointelpro. I thought it was some random clown, but the production values for audio far exceed that kind of videocast.

This is her. I'm done. There's too much real life to be lived to waste it on this sort of junk.

Some of us are immune to medium reboots.

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