Wednesday, March 7, 2018

I forgot to say something

Hiya, fellas. This is Tokyo Shemp sharing truths so painful that the bad guys get a little bit uncomfortable. Anyway, I forgot to mention the last time that Jimmy Dore had been discussing someone heckling Pelosi for her net worth. Nancy had been giving a speech on inequality.

It was akin to Archie Bunker teaching an adult education course on multiculturalism. It was LeBron James pointing the finger at steroid users? It was Orwellian and surreal. It was Hillary complaining about the Russians rigging our elections without any mention of what was done to Bernie.

Just quit the medium. One sleeps a lot better. Nothing ever happens. I'm not saying nothing ain't happening but rather that far too often hypocrites are gaslighting masses of people. Everything about the media is rigged, fake, sucks, is stupid and despite telling everyone I could about this throughout me life, no one believed it due to the excessive nightmare scripted by scumbags, turds and garbage, and this is referred to as social reality and a run-on sentence.

But that's not completely what I forgot to explain. The previous blog entry was meant to describe how yet again I have been victimised by schtick theft. My username at Twitter went through some changes over time. During the height of Bernie's enough is enough schtick, I became Shempernista. I think that was it. I was a Leonardo Doritos at one point which evolved into Lenny Fritos. When Hillary was crowned as the DNC's nominee, Bernie conceded and did a reverse-Eugene McCarthy. Eugene refused to kiss Humphrey's butt like Sanders did for H.. Bernie was basically the political version of the Young Turks. I'm not sure why it took so long for Dore to come to his senses.

So I became Shemp Green. Then after fully giving up on politics, society and the medium, I became Tokyo Shemp, perhaps the best username ever coined. Just saying.

What I wanted to say was that the net worth thingie bit was my Twitter schtick. I must have asked at least twenty people that question.

I'm not saying it was schtick theft by the person asking Pelosi or Alec Baldwin what's in their wallets. God bless that heckler. While it would be refreshing if she admitted to picking up the maneuver from reading my censored Twitter media page, that's not the point either. The schtick theft was Dore's doing. He's the tool and nothing special.

Just stop giving a fvck. Do not regularly visit any websites.

And that's not all. Two other people have stolen from my material. Kim Jong-un claims that the United States is "the sworn enemy to humankind." So, it's not just Alex Jones lifting from my enemies to humanity schtick. I guess that is the boomerang to one's driving the zeitgeist bus. Everyone wants a piece of you without giving any credit. That is the war industry and capitalism in a nut shell.

Below is a screenshot from the Daily Mail. I spent less than five minutes scrolling through their headlines. Nothing of significance is happening in the media, period. It is all fake. Everyone is starting to grok this. It's why DFQ2's stats have been picking up steam. It doesn't matter if the person writing is Lenny Bruce, Jimbo Jones or Lucy McGillicuddy. When schticks make sense, there is always an impact.

That's the same fricken duck that is in the Snowden documents. Maybe it is a famous sketch or drawing I've never heard of. I am curious about its origination, yet this is just another mailed-in post. I may or may not in the future do a socratisation. What I can provide is the proof that if it looks and goes blah, blah blah like a duck, then that's what it is. It is what it is. Coach Belichick coined that phrase or someone else did and he plagiarised it. But that too will be shelved for another possible future research project.

I didn't make the above. I don't know who did. See how easy it is to not steal material from others?

Here is the duck from the Five Eyes' demented power point presentation on how to be a cyber magician and break constitutional law.

It's the same fricken bird. Hmmm.

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