Saturday, March 17, 2018

I might have killed Adrian Lamo

It was inadvertent or perhaps I had nothing to do with it and am merely blog feeding. I wrote a few days ago:
They want you to keep visiting websites which simulate actions and outcomes.
That means every day. They want you to wake up, turn on the computer, then go with your regular routine. They don't care what you like as long as you pick a controlled niche in the machine. They don't want you to feel free or to write from the heart based on knowledge and reflection. That is why they mimic and flatter. They are non-death necrophiliacs. They should kill themselves.
Seriously, I mean that and am not merely stealing from Bill Hicks. If you are in the military, go to fvcking hell. You have baby blood all over your hands, youse scumbags. You are why everything sucks and is stupid.
And then a day or two later he was dead of an apparent suicide.

I actually d.g.a.f.. This is classic good riddance to bad rubbish. Don't be a sewer rat dry humping totalitarianism and warmongering? Adrian Lamo was the personification of all that is wrong with the world.

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