Saturday, March 17, 2018

Sewer Rat Adrian Lamo Dead at 37

It will be interesting to find out what happened. I tweeted him quite a number of attacks. I went after a lot of public figures and it seemed like I had a fantastic array of blocks. Roseanne and Tapper were just a few of them. Lamo on the other hand did not block me. I'll give him credit for that.

The guilt must have finally gotten to him.

Is his good buddy Chet Uber still alive?

I've truly weaned off of the internet. The way I quit CNN a couple years ago is the same thingie going on with the Daily Mail. They can fvck off, too.

The medium is not only the message, it is a big fat hoax. One would be foolish to follow it. I don't think there is anything redeemable to it. It's produced by all the bad actors responsible for the big mess. It will make one stupider. It produces a negative for human development. It is worse than a damaged common stamp. At least cruddy stamps can be tossed into the garbage bin. The medium is part and parcel of unlimited power amassed by a very small group of people.

I think I explained all this during the probe into rise and shine doctrine as the primary source of the death principle. It is where the ego becomes rooted. Take away all the nonsense and there becomes no you in which to corrupt.

Both individual and audience are relieved of obligation. Existence transforms into a stream. There's nothing for them to grab onto.

I think a comment left on a previous blog post was from an Irish acquaintance at Twitter or JTRIG mimicked him. I don't understand why he didn't say hi, this is Craig or wtf; that's the guy's name. He uses his real picture and name akin to Julian. He was protesting a Regina Doherty politician. I guess you had to be there.

Lamo snitched on someone who had outed American war crimes. Manning is now free. Assange is stuck in an embassy for exposing the U.S. government for, hmm, what's the phrase... oh, war crimes by war pigs, but I hate to repeat words. It causes diction issues.

"You can't handle the truth."

That's your medium. Let's all bow to Hollywood and mimick Nicholson. Fricken every single one of us was brainwashed and destroyed. A part of us can never be touched. I don't mean all is wrong and bad. Breathing is good. I don't know what happened to Lamo. It will probably be spun into a conspiracy story. I was victimised by one of those. That's how I became a small fry in the big pond, as I suppose in contradistinction to regular guys leaving random spewage on ESPN.

It just happened. It doesn't even matter. It's weird how everything is rigged. That's what made it easy for the Spy Factory to spin all dissent as random kook chatter. I said this kind of stuff well before fake news went mainstream as verified conspiracy. I vouched for chemtrails as real.

Alex Jones and the topic took off because it was planned that way. I switched hobby horse internet projects towards electoral integrity; which led to my backstory- the good old Fatterico days, I-pad keep away, SWATs, Weinergate and the proverbial much, much more. Did you know that Adrian Lamo's buddy Neal claimed I was the kingpin or maybe he had me as Patterico's Radar O'Reilly? Mandy who plagiarised me seemed to hit a real bad tailspin for health. I can't really say anything more than that. The Kimberlin stuff was my scoop, period. It took Breitbart approximately 22 months to catch up to my analysis. I haven't done the math in a while.

The election stuff was the original Pizzagate or name the current zeigeist trend.

The medium is the message in itself just like it implies because content is meaningless. That is McLuhan in a nutshell.

Lamo was one degree or no degrees apart from the cointelpro fvcks who fvcked with me. It was the same unit which entrapped Barrett Brown. It's water under the bridge for meself. File under it is what it is or whatnot.

My content has meaning. That's all I can vouch for at this point. I see no one else who transcends the medium. It's about a commitment to detachment. George Carlin didn't have any answers. There is only the capacity to articulate aspects of social reality which will never put a dent into anything but a rigged structure built for such instances.

Think double-bind.

I am very curious how Lamo died.

That was a shocker on par with Breitbart's demise, although Andrew's shocking young death was quite a bit more significant. There's the rub, Horatio. Shakespeare was a plagiarist and there is no way to change the system from within or without; or at least not by existing means of so-called social change. The Peace Corps was trash. The stamps are an indictment in themselves against the western countries.

And we the regular guys bear the fallout. If we go our own way, we are spun as apathetic or the reason Trump won. The system wants our non-death blood. Fromm coined it as non-death necrophilia or it is a public domain phrase. They can't control us if we're dead. This is about the roots of fascism uprooted for all to see. This is emperor wearing no clothes territory or the Wizard of Oz. The reason it is very painful is because all medium is circumscribed within the oppressive status quo. Let's make schadenfreude great again?

It's painful because the medium acts as if nothing has changed. By not caring, there is no you to be herded.

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