Tuesday, April 10, 2018

A substantial cointelpro unit operating out of the Eglin Air Force Base in Florida has been exposed.

This is quite humorous. Paid fakes have been proven to be operating from the Eglin Air Force base. This is not my scoop nor new news. I am going to pound out this entry as I'd truly rather be working on stamps.

This current thread at Reddit only has ten comments:

It's true.

Eglin Air Force Base is apparently the most addicted small U.S. city according to Reddit.

If the story ended there, then that wouldn't be enough proof. However, someone dropped a very revealing comment which explained everything.

The paper backed by Eglin AFB can be read via a repository named arXiv. It's quite demented.

It's pretty weird for the most part with a lot of mathematical formulas pushed as tools for herding and simulating outcomes.

Thankfully they speak some English by the end.

The conclusion is riotous.


  1. Wack a mole.... just remember to stand firm and develop strong community networks with real people. One Love!

  2. I believe that the idea of community is pure mythology or very rare.

    I'm done with wack-a-mole. It has been too easy for a reason. The game is 100% rigged. The proverbial them want us to keep coming back. I'm more thinking that it's shatter all illusions into a thousand pieces time.

    Fricken Comey admitted there is a deep state. All of this so-called mainstreaming of conspiratorial thinking is due to the double punch of Snowden and Assange. Facades have been torn down to the point of surrealism. There's nothing more cringeworthy than reboots occurring despite avalanches of schadenfreude. Kudos go to everyone who pieced it together and helped spread the word despite all of the non-stop, over the top cointelpro fruitcake. How many times can one hammer in a nail? The fight is over. What is left sucks and is stupid. Let it rot. I wash my hands of it. None of this is my fault. I have pointed the finger at the culprits, but I am just one regular guy. They can fvck off. I can no longer care. I couldn't not care less. If I could care less, I might have more to say.
