Monday, April 16, 2018

I am not at liberty to say what is needed to be said.

                                             personification of scum

People cannot say what truly needs to happen or they will be placed in prison. I have made the decision to never again participate in social media. I will or won't write when I feel like it and it will have nothing to do with connections, community or name the bullshit lie.

So much violence is pointless. The Youtube shooter had no clue about an endgame. She didn't think it through. It's probably why she was the only person who died. She ultimately didn't want to kill anyone. She had simply gotten fed up with the criminals running the planet. She had lost her page clicks and revenue. It was typical workplace violence on the surface in which someone gets fired and desires someone or a group to pay the bill. However, everyone now knows that Youtube/Google is part and parcel of illegal surveillance, censorship and entrapment. So there's a little bit of this and that for overall context.

I am very happy that Breitbart and Lamo are dead. But this is non-partisan philosophy. I no longer fall for scripted divide and conquer which is everything and everywhere if one merely opens up one's eyes.

I have been waiting and waiting for the day to hear that Hillary Clinton has also died and of course from natural causes. I would never threaten someone's life. Words are ultimately just words.

I love hearing of exposed [redacted] cointelpro agents. I neither forget nor forgive deal breakers.

While losers continue to rise and shine to mickey mouse media nonsense, I set my own schedule. I do my own thing. I don't give a fvck about corrupt evil, omnipresent powerful people and their useful idiots. I'm just simply not violent like the youtube shooter woman.

The scum ruining this country and world are to be found within the military-industrial complex. Everyone knows this or should.

Here is the basic trend. The numbers are dropping for folks clicking links. Deep down no one wants to lead a fake life. The social structure has been 100% constructed for a hidden agenda of total control. So, instead of communicating with JTRIG/FBI scum, I'd rather ignore it all and merely dream of their demise.

Quit the medium. Don't be that loser. The ptb's do not fool me anymore. If I [redacted], there'd be no more of the spy shenanigans and shitting on concepts such as human rights and true freedom. I cannot emphasise enough that I am completely non-violent. I would nonetheless like [redacted]. There is no hot stove, don't touch in place. What if [redacted]? It would have nothing to do with me. These are just thoughts. But police are a huge problem. The military and FBI are a gigantic problem. These are modern day Hitlers adept at playing the banality of evil game.

The list is very long [redacted]. That is why I have quit the medium and keep harping on how non-violent I am. Society as structured sucks and is pointless. Or rather, my main point is that anyone still participating in the medium or taking it seriously is a chump, period.

Everyone involved in cointelpro should [redacted]. That's my opinion. I can't help how I feel based on social reality.

Yes, it was great that [redacted].

Malcolm X said something about the [redacted]. Well, there is no such thing as free and fair elections, so the non-violent are left with nowhere to go. There is no such thing as a free and fair internet. All of so-called society is a disgusting shamboozle.

There will probably be a day when all critical blogs are deleted by government power. They've already fake cleaned out every mainstream website in the guise of the breaking of terms of service ruse.
Those are private outlets. They can do whatever they like. The DNC is also a private group. They could have nominated George Clooney if they had desired. This is the best fvcking country anywhere. Move to China if ye don't like it.
I noticed some pretty fucked up gaslighting last night. There is a Twitter account called woke hoover or wtf. It purports to be against cointelpro. But it is really just more same old, same old nonsense. Search engines no longer work. The evil fvck faces want the internet to be no different from the t.v.. They want us to become mere parts of their simulated zeitgeist screen; hat tip to McLuhan.

I said people were quitting the internet. I've seen articles claiming that 60-70% of the web is fake traffic. Of course, the military and its spy factory is never mentioned. Oh no, they couldn't be involved, ya kook. That's meself talking for them, not actually moi. I am still developing a writing strategy.

I say enough is enough.

I've been vindicated. I was correct the whole way. It took me close to ten years to finally grok this big picture which had been initially only intuited. It took a rigged election exposed by Wikileaks to break my camel's back. It has never been clearer that the system cannot be changed from within.

Power in itself can fvck off and die. The conspiracy is right in front of our mugs each fricken day. It is everywhere. There is no escape from it. The way it is never gets better within itself. As C. Wright Mills explained, conspiracies are to be found in the institutions.

The scum steering the bus are mortal just like anyone else. The trashy fvckfaces are simply rotated every generation with fake fresh blood. Ask a Mason. Things have always been bad by design and will only get worse. So why even bother? The best revenge is happiness. Let the system rot without any regular guy participation. That is my final answer, Regis.

Update: I truly did redact some stuff.  This was originally written three days ago. I published it for a little while, then decided to chuck it back into draft form. Today is April 19th. Blogger is retaining the original date.

I've been very busy lately working on me stamps, yet every once in a while I still get the writing bug. I basically want everyone to understand that the game is rigged, free speech is a myth and also that there is zero freedom of association, as in zilch or nada.

James Comey is admitting there is a deep state. He claims it is the good guy kind of big brother. He is 100% scum who should be thrown in prison. That I will not redact.

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