Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Corey Mixter's dad is a corporate filmmaker. What a surprise.

I thought according to Corey he was supposed to be some poor aspiring artist who had created Brittany Sheets' persona as Mars Argo. To this day and perhaps forever I will always remember a line from the movie Hannah and Her Three Sisters. Some professor dude or wtf told the woman leaving him that he had created her. Fricken and before then was the movie Svengali starring the Barrymore drunk.

He runs an Airworthy Productions and has one credit at IMDB for camera work on something produced by a Beacon Films. I'm assuming Beacon Pictures and Beacon Films are the same scumbags. They have produced a number of propaganda films including Air Force One. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong but they seem to be the same company. Beacon was bought by COMSAT in 1996. We are looking at the interwessonality between the military-industrial complex and Hollywood.

It looks like Corey was beaten up by the other lad in 2015 and the beat down has only surfaced because plagiarist turds named Poppy and Titanic are desperate for a diversion.

And the way the dude punched on him seemed to be the way a "chivalrous" guy would teach a woman beater a lesson.

There's not much to the story. It looks obvious to me what has happened. Someone should track down what Corey was arrested for each and every time. If they are sealed arrests, one might still be able to find the charges. Cointelpro feeds off of petty criminals. Many do not go to prison and are simply hired to become proverbial sewer rats. That is what all this seems to be to me.

Our country, corporations, military, politics and medium suck. The whole situation is unsalvageable. They have created natural enemies. Not everyone is garbage. Some people have integrity and dignity and are not afraid to confront the system. I'm not afraid of the dogshit. They are scum. There will hopefully be better Mannings and Assanges in the future. They were greatness but it obviously wasn't enough. The struggle continues.

In the meantime one can merely drop out from respecting all forms of social media. The people who speak of communities are in all likelihood paid fakes steering a demented convex hull. What part of crush their profits don't people grok? Let the disinfo turds have fake dialogue amongst themselves. Just say no to rise and shine medium mythology.

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