Friday, May 11, 2018


This is the bottom line. There have been great people such as Malcolm X and Julian Assange who rose to the top of the zeitgeist yet were still unable to put more than a dent into the status quo. So even if I am as smart and profound as my personal opinion has concluded, I'm not going to be able to change nothing from nobody. That is the essence of fvck this, fvck you and fvck off.

There are apparently more bottom lines than that. One must stop caring and feeding into the system. Inner freedom is all that remains for possibilities. Enlightenment has become the only attainable goal. Most people are stupid and suck. The only folks climbing the zeitgeist tower are shallow sellouts and scumbags. The only thing that rare great people can hold onto for hope is that they are not them. Yet that is still feeding into the collective nightmare. Total detachment is the only remaining option.

Depression rates are soaring. This is because too many continue to rise and shine to demented medium. I am calling for the ruination of all paid fakes and useful idiots. They are scumbags on the path to hell. They are probably already there. This is hell on earth.

The military is pure scum. How am I as a nobody to stop them? It can't be done. They continue to manipulate social reality. They need to be ruined but getting to that point seems forever blocked.

All we have are basic free speech rights to send messages to dogshit. There is no community anywhere. All internet exchanges are monitored and perverted. It's called cointelpro.

I'm just gonna live out my life. I have zero respect for all scumbags, turds and garbage comprising the vast majority.

Why get depressed because everything is rigged and fake? The best revenge is peace and happiness.

The above took place in North Carolina. We are given the victim's name but not the pig's. The fat fvcker is obviously hooked on steroids and is a borderline retarded psychopath.

If the courts and government continue to let police get away with their crimes, there is [redacted].

H. is now wearing jumbo scarfs. One of my scoops was exposing her neck cheese. I saw similarities between hers and Robin Williams'. One theory speaks of her covering up a neck brace. I think it's more to do with the front.

We know the name of the racist arsehole from Yale who likes to call the police on Black people for breathing within her vicinity. But we don't know the fricken pig's name. Social reality is so fvcked up from media to government to military to everything like said in the Violent Femmes' song.

                      for everything, everything, everything, everything

The only way out of the big mess is to ignore it. It's fricken Lao Tzu or wtf time.
To know that you do not know is the best.
To think you know when you do not is a disease.
Recognizing this disease as a disease is to be free of it.
The military and its medium is the disease. Trust nothing and nobody. The ptb's love to mimic and circumscribe. Let the system rot while attaining inner peace.

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