Saturday, May 12, 2018

Demented JTRIG and Cointelpro are out of control

They are attempting to gaslight me but it won't work. All they have is mind games. To them there is no such thing as Snowden or Assange. There is no Anonymous exposing Hal Turner.

I'd have to go into weird details to make the argument. It is pure double-bind. To them all reactions are good reactions. They are nothing without masses of regular guy participation. They are reduced to dogshit when no real people partake in their scripted convolution.

They provide the same gaslighting wisecracks decade after decade. We are approaching three decades of internet life. Their comments are based on the concept of ridiculing anyone who believes there are conspiracies. The CIA decoder ring bit was one of the first I received. The phrasing changes but it's the same schtick. It's the essence of "conspiracy stories." The military-industrial complex was thoroughly exposed by the Snowden documents and that will never change. It's said certain animals can't change their spots or stripes.

Those documents can't change the parts that say USA and FVEY.

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