Sunday, May 13, 2018

Sooner or later there will be a boomerang. Bet on it.

They are called the Five Eyes. It's a grotesque alliance between the big five English speaking countries. They are all over the internet with paid fakes denying us the fundamental human rights of freedom of speech and association.

They put fake posts into every single website. This is not conspiracy theory. Snowden exposed them. These are sick demented fvckfaces who will get what's coming to them sooner or later. I think later. The Unabomber doesn't count. He was mentally deranged missing quite a number of marbles. The Five Eyes and police states have the numbers. None of us has any realistic power to fight back. We have no weapons and even if we did, it wouldn't be enough. The plot would be uncovered anyway. We don't want any weapons as there's no possible way to attack them. They are Big Brother come true. It is reality mirroring Orwell's art. They are the Harlem Globetrotters and we are the Washington Generals. We aren't going to be pulling off any Alex Jonesian 1776 styled turnarounds. We'll be put in a rubber room or regular guy felon prisons for so-called terrorists.

All we can do legally is crush their profits. All we can do is create pockets of awareness in which it becomes 100% clear to anyone who is sincere and reflective that the social structure is fvcked up beyond repair.

Everything is rigged and done so by governments. The constitution means nothing. Yeah, Snowden was originally a tool doing their dirty work. He had felt we were attacked on 9/11. He was a patriotic kind of turd. He meant well but was still afflicted with authoritarian personality disorder. At some point he said enough is enough. He is not a double agent whose role was to normalise surveillance society. He was a naive fvckface who ended up in over his head. Despite being a dovche product, he still believed in the constitution and so-called democracy. Edward Snowden felt betrayed by his country and all the brainwashing it has delivered. He gave up an easy life to expose the trash which is the Military-Industrial Complex.

The internet is garbage, period, because the U.S. Military is run by Nazis who have crossed a historic line. All hope in the system is gone. They can reboot it all they like until the cows come home or wtf, but the ballgame is over. They can produce fake polls, astroturf all media and message boards, etc. in a lame attempt to restore a facade of equilibrium. What Snowden did was basically squeeze out all the spy factory toothpaste which can never be put back. The ptb's are probably thinking let's just fudge along for ten to twenty years and all this will be forgotten. It'll be like it was.

Real people are going to find the strength to quit supporting the medium. That has to be the goal. People need to quit the internet or at least the way they have been using it. We can't fight back with violence. It's just impossible. We may be left with nowhere to go, yet we should all understand the one place we should stop going which is internet addiction.

I think it will take 50-200 years before the boomerang occurs. C. Wright Mills said the conspiracy is in the institutions. This is why Unabomber failed. He was thinking 100th monkey or something. The awareness route simply does not work. Knocking off a few tools as done by Unabomber changed nothing to the institutions. Snowden and Assange haven't changed anything. All they accomplished was to bring awareness which hasn't changed a thing.

One common idea is that people like to talk a lot but never do anything about it. We can't. We don't have the numbers. We don't have the so-called law and constitution for protection. All we are capable of right now is to grok the hideous truth.

I am the only one I have ever seen who points out the phrase conspiracy stories as located in Snowden documents. Demented arseturds are all over the web making it seem that there is not only right versus left but also kook versus non-kook. All that flat earth crap has been planted. It's called raising the noise to signal ratio or gish gallop. That's what that is. That's what Alex Jones is to name just one sewer rat. Hal Turner was not the only one. The "Conspiracy Story" program dominates the internet, period.

I am non-violent. I have trouble killing insects which somehow get into the house. I can understand violence. I can somewhat see how one can rationalise it. It's not for me. I am not advocating it either. It would be a suicide march. At best, one could live out an existence on the periphery such as Snowden and Assange. Those are non-violent guys, so they aren't the best examples anyway. The only people who are thinking violence as an option are those entrapped by the demented police state apparatus. This is the essence of being left with nowhere to go.

So let it all go? That seems to be the only option left. But over the next 200 years I can easily imagine a brilliant mind not crazy like Unabomber who puts a dent into these fvckers. They are pure scum. The surveillance state must die. We are nowhere close to being able to fight back. But someday somehow people will and dents will be made.

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