Sunday, May 27, 2018

I left a comment on a Corey Holcomb video.

I had never heard of him before. I was channel hopping at Youtube and simply stunned at how many fake conspiracy theory channels exist. Thankfully somehow I ended up learning of the guy in the white T-shirt. He seems to be a comedian.

I thought he was rude to the well-composed, articulate Black lady. Ye can decide for yeselves.

It heats up after the token white man got all touchy feeling.

This is what I wrote:


I finally looked into ASMR. It's not real. It's relatively new junk science terminology. I've socratised things like that before. There is no such thing as intersectionality. I spoke of interwessonality. There's no such thing as a Mandela Effect. No one before the internet was talking about flat earth.

Inform young people that the internet is more dangerous than it seems and to resist. This is not Grandpa's cointelpro which was bad enough. This is Orwell territory.

I remember the autobiography of Jane Pittman schtick. Those born before the internet will eventually pass away and then all will be born into this sewer pit of false existence without knowing anything else. This is as fvcked up as it gets. Assange and Snowden broke no laws. The ones who want to imprison them are the criminals. Those dudes exposed the people responsible for the big mess.

Maybe I need to start listening to Alan Watts again. This is painful knowing exactly what is going on but feeling powerless to do anything about it.

Yeah, we used to watch a lot of television. But now it is on steroids and always on one's person, although I refuse to have a cell phone. I am an admitted internet addict but have never been paid by anyone to provide schtick.

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