Saturday, May 26, 2018

Hillary is still hiding her medical condition.

I missed this photo. I thought she was covering up her neck.

Another picture out there shows some kind of weird finger formation which implies Parkinson's or something similar.

Our country is demented with the medium as part and parcel of that.

It was spun as conspiracy theory that she was sick despite having a miserable never ending cough, crazy eyes, awkward falls, an iced mocha seizure and disturbing neck cheese.

The restaurant shooter put up videos claiming birds are possessed by demons and something about satanic transgenders. He probably used to watch Paul Romano videos at Youtube.

DFQ2 never fell for such nonsense and in the past was at the forefront of attacking the Satanic Panic. I'm not against anyone using common sense and facts to come up with theories. Unfortunately, there is stuff called Cointelpro and the Five Eyes who are behind all of the convolution and humanity's continued spiraling into a widespread demise.

The internet has made life much worse than it had to be. The Military which includes the FBI are basically creating violence and mayhem. Nothing was done to address the DNC fraud used against Bernie Sanders. Nothing is being done to protect Julian Assange. Nothing is being done to protect people from police. Nothing is being done to protect democracy from the Military-Industrial Complex.

No, all we get are reboots of maybe people should buy better tinfoil or move to another country. Folks with deep concerns of fascism transcending political parties have been left with nowhere to go. Meanwhile, the unhinged continue to rise and shine to Cointelpro dominated social media and the results are predictable. It's referred to as a boomerang or chickens coming home to roost.

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