Friday, May 25, 2018

I might as well blog something

The basketball game felt a big rigged. I'm going to avoid all talking head chatter and just watch game seven. I'll watch with no volume. The ads are dangerous to one's mental health. This day had been perfect.

It's back to home cooking or bust for the Boston Celtics.

Weinstein's defense is that he didn't invent the casting couch. Yikes.

                                   Why the fvck is he laughing?

That's the extent of my caring about so-called news. Assange is all that matters. British people need to demand his safe passage to a decent country out there. Does one exist? Maybe there is a small country which wouldn't mind saving some planet and humanity. Ireland should take in Julian. The IRA can protect him. There isn't one country that will grant citizenship to honourable greatness Julian Assange? Maybe he should try to escape. He's up against modern day Nazis.

The medium sucks. I am going to watch some old movies. At least there aren't any ads. One can pick what they want for some self-inflicted MK-Ultra. Time isn't going anywhere.

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