Friday, May 25, 2018

Alexa and Assange

                                      Is this That Poppy in ten years?

Personally I love meself some average Jane Doe looks and don't care what race or whatnot. The woman above just happens to be average looking with the Aryan race genetics. Then I thought of Poppy. This observation actually has nothing to do with the blog entry. Nothing matters anymore because everything is rigged and fake. I'm just killing time. I wanted to say first that good looks are also a hoax. Everyone is beautiful except for fascist pigs and various personifications of turd.

The above lady had a private conversation which Amazon's Alexa copied and sent to a contact.

Come on. That's deranged. And where are the claims of put on some tinfoil or if you're doing nothing wrong, then what does it matter?

Amazon is owned by Jeff Bezos who also owns the state-sponsored propaganda rag named the Washington Post.

                                      Who doesn't hate this guy's guts?

Our country is run by criminals, period.

Meanwhile, there is another story I wanted to mention which also pertains to a blondie. Julian Assange is getting squeezed. Sweetie Pamela Anderson said that. Spain didn't like Julian voicing opinions about Catalonia. They have ties with Ecuador and the new dovche president also wants to do dirty work for the Military-Industrial Complex.

This is such a disgusting world.

Oh, apparently Jeffrey Esptein has been an FBI informant. Isn't that special?

The Celtics may or may not win tonight, but rest assured the talking heads and commercials will be extra annoying.

I'd say more, yet we're screwed no matter what is written. I am sick and tired of rigged garbage? I only begrudgingly care about basketball? Assange is the greatest human being alive. Trump is ungrateful, despicable trash for not granting Julian his freedom. I don't think he expected to win and I don't think anything has changed. It's called bread and circuses, fellas.

The scum has been identified. They transcend political parties. They control everything. I pray that younger people will figure out strategies to save the planet and humanity. I am at a loss for solutions. Put Bezos, Zuckerberg, Thiel and tens of thousands of other capitalist warmonger pigs in prison? Well, duh. But how do we get to that point? Bernie would have provided some hope despite his own flaws. A free Assange would provide some hope.

The PTB's have taken away all hope. The military is the #1 problem. Youth will have to figure out how to enforce the constitution. I've got no clue how to get to that point. I do truly believe that most people agree with me. One cannot believe anything produced by social media. It's called online covert agents breaking the law denying us of freedom of speech and association.

This is referred to as a constitutional crisis. The medium acts as if this is not going on or that we must resist Trump or globalism. Pick one of those sides. I say fvck this and fvck them.

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