Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The truth hurts. These are enemies to humanity.

This is trash named Lenín Moreno. He is the president of Ecuador and is responsible for the shutdown of Assange's internet access.

The problem is wac-a-mole. I've pretty much described enough over the course of my social media participation explaining wtf is going on. I am one regular guy who is neither paid fake nor useful idiot. Resistance is futile as only fake resistance is permitted.

Kudos go to former leader Rafael Correa for protecting Julian. He is a true hero now living in Belgium. I am also thinking of trusting Craig Murray who claimed to have received the leaks in Washington, D.C.. I don't visit his website but perhaps should.

The mainstream media is clearly an enemy to humanity. There's no point in trying to prove that as paid fakes are all over every comment section to gaslight. If we retreat from every single website, the powers that be become irrelevant. The biggest impediment to positive social change is the mythology that this is democracy. Check this out. The Washington Post is wetting its pants not allowing access unless one shuts off ad blocker.

The Post has direct ties to the CIA. Never turn off ad blocker. Part of a widespread social movement must include the boycotting of all mainstream media. I can pinpoint who the bad guys are. That is very easy. I am simply lost as to how anything can ever improve. This is a tragedy and very frustrating.

It's easy stuff to identify bad actors such as Moreno. It's no problemo to realise that all medium is rubbish. But where are the answers? How can we save the planet from the ptb's? This is the essence of being left with nowhere to go.

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