Tuesday, May 29, 2018

This is a debilitating situation. Nonetheless....

Society might not have hit rock bottom yet, but we are definitely in a bad spot for humanity. No matter which way one sincerely looks at life as a collective experience, the social structure never improves.

We have been forced into a debilitating skepticism. Healthy cynicism is the solution. The only possible positive next step is to stop participating in state-sponsored convolution. If Roseanne had taken this advice, she'd still have her show.

Racists are some of the most tone-deaf chumps of them all. Anyone who has ever looked into Barr's past already knew she was eccentric. Nonetheless, if eccentricity was a crime, me schtick would have never developed. There must be more to this story than that Rosie is a fruitcake.

Oh my God. Roseanne is so stupid. One must never refer to Black people as gorillas or apes. It's called pigment and people are people with sociological differences.

But to be honest, that's about the extent of my caring. I'm glad the show got cancelled, but to be blunt, we must drive the entirety of Hollywood into the sea by denying them of any profits. When one is left with nowhere to go within the system, the only possible path out of the big mess is to say fvck this and fvck you, Pilgrims. We must drive the bus. The hat tip goes to Joe Citizen Hoe.

Joe's schtick boiled down to confronting and exposing the basic relationship between cop and Black man. He basically put up a mirror to every copper he trolled. The pigs always see the worst in people. All contact with them is an investigation. They do not know the mission statement other than the protect and serve doublespeak. Joe Citizen was a genius, period. He wasn't going into his work without a plan. He was consistent. He was the Brad Stevens of the am I being detained or am I free to go, hoe schtick. He called them hoes. I like using fvckface and numbnuts. We may look and sound different, but we are all the same regular guy.

Don't take police state bait. Pick good battles in which to stand your ground. Roseanne has fricken merely fed into the Military's psyop carnival. She has provided the Military-Industrial Complex with some extra juice for divide and conquer.

Wanda Sykes immediately quit as a producer and consultant. Sykes is actually an authoritarian tool. When both sides suck, that is the essence of being left with nowhere to go. One needn't purchase tinfoil to claim that Wanda worked for the NSA. It's the truth. Plug her name with NSA into a search engine and all sorts of mainstream articles pop up proving it's true.

Do the same with "Anderson Cooper CIA" and the results are quite different. One ends up with many more tinfoil results. I suppose a few years ago the ptb's were forced to acknowledge it was true. Before then it was much more of a massive cover up.

In 2006 it emerged that Markos Moulitsas of Daily Kos also worked for the CIA. That's when the tinfoil narrative truly picked up. Hal Turner was exposed. People found out about Netvocates, the Rendon Group, Advantage Consultants and many other state-sponsored astroturf companies.

                           This is not a photo-shop. This was a real thingie.

Fake news has basically become circumscribed into the mainstream status quo.

I forget when, but DKos banned any sort of conspiracy thinking.

My greatness will always be preserved since I outed the conspiracy nonsense before Hal Turner through Anonymous and Snowden documents confirmed it.

Here's the itch, Horatio. That awareness has also become circumscribed. It's a shell game and pyramid scheme. Assange is oppressed while Greenwald/Omidyar become the fake intrepid activists. Think back to the 70's or when it happened that Cointelpro was exposed. Propaganda was pushed that things have changed, that stuff has been reformed. 9/11 obviously ushered in a new stage of oppression. Cointelpro never ended. Demented is as demented does.

We must all become Joe Citizen Hoe.

The state is bullying us. This must stop. They work for us, not the other way around. They must be identified and forced out of the shadows. They need to be arrested, not us.

Who outside of the system cannot see that the Daily Mail comments are produced by paid fake garbage? That's just one example. Who cannot see that every website is rigged with each of us as brainwashed patsy target?

This is extremely debilitating. It is Chinese finger torture in which the more we fight back through words on ptb turf, the more we are tormented by the system.

We must rid ourselves of denial and look at the social structure as it truly is rather than focusing on how we'd like it to be. The definition of stupidity is to attempt the same mistakes over and over. One must recognise the concept of deal breakers.

Nasty scumbag Megyn Kelly doesn't want poor people to use Starbucks' bathrooms. She suggests they will turn into homeless junkie shelters or something.

Such fvcking trash needs to be boycotted forever. But she is not some anomaly. All medium must be ruined for the sake of the children. The only power we have is of an economic nature. The Spy Factory wants us to get violent to justify their deranged modern day Hitler-esque shenanigans. The violent people in control suspect us as being unwashed masses of potential terrorism. This has to be figured out. Young people tend to be more open-minded. They need to cop on to the idea that everything is rigged including most who claim it. It's called circumscribing by the power elite (see Mills, C. Wright). We must hold our heads above water. Fake, corrupt life must never be accepted.

I think this time of the year is always the most depressing because the pro-Military propaganda gets piled on extra thick. This goes on every day, yet it reaches outrageous levels by every Memorial Day.

CNN has smeared Morgan Freeman with fake proof? The two women named in their story are apparently saying it didn't go down the way it's portrayed. CNN are the scumbags who were in cahoots with the rigging of the 2016 election. They weren't the only ones. Heck, nearly the entire medium power structure was in on the fake news surrounding Bernardo Sanders' epic politician as whistleblower role. Chris Cuomo told us we couldn't legally look at Wikileaks. What part of let's (non-violently) destroy these scumbags do people not grok?

Stop watching any of them including Fox News. It's not healthy.

Let's go back to the double-bind. Roseanne has claimed that Chelsea Clinton is married to one of George Soros' nephews. This enabled Chelsea to spin Roseanne as a conspiracy freak (which she is) while praising Soros' Open Society. We cannot win this media game. It is completely rigged. Trump and the GOP are garbage. The DNC is garbage. Selecting between two sets of garbage produces nothing but more garbage.

How many more years are people going to waste falling for divide and conquer bread and circuses? Black Lives Matter looked good until it didn't. The BLM people from Boston were impressive. They were the folks speaking with Hillary backstage. She responded with something about hearts and minds or something political.

Of course Black people are getting oppressed by police and government. Black and white need to join forces. DeRay McKesson is what's called an Uncle Tom or wtf. He was exposed by Wikileaks as being on the DNC payroll.

I remember when Obama co-opted Occupy Wall Street. His biggest gaslighting move was pardoning historic legendary human rights activist Chelsea Manning. Manning had exposed the U.S. Military for committing war crimes. Obama is a war criminal, period. All presidents are. One of the persons most responsible for demented surveillance, online covert activity and dead Brown babies did the right thing. It was akin to Hitler if he spared someone. Oh, thanks Hitler. Maybe there's hope for you as a human being. That sort of thing.

Allow no reboots of divide and conquer. This is going to be a very long information war. The endgame is to force passage of social structure control from scumbags, turds and garbage to we the people. Think Joe Citizen Hoe.

Saving the planet and humanity may very well begin once we collectively say fvck this, fvck you and fvck off to state-sponsored manipulation and oppression.

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