Thursday, May 31, 2018

YouTube Action

I left this comment on a YT channel. I'll only tidy up a few typos.
edit: Oopsies, I went on a marathon tirade. I don't expect yourself or anyone else to read this. It is please pardon my indulgence 101, there I said it and God bless the audience.
 Once you mentioned Edible Red, it was easy to figure out who you are and the bizarre lawsuit. I was spun as either the kingpin of Weinergate or Patterico's right hand man. It was also bizarre and I had zero support. Breitbart knew about it and did nothing to help me. Then he died. They had lifted my schtick similar to what Marsii is alleging. My story is easier to prove than his, but he has definitely produced a lot of content. His accent was tough at first, but he helped me see that the Mars Argo part was where the Poppy story could potentially be solved. I first heard of That Poppy in January.
I found a YT channel a few weeks later which seemed to be Brittany's. One short video was titled, "What should I do?" I advised her to sue. I'm not saying I was the reason she did, as she must have been leaning that way or had already started the process. It annoys me when people act as if she wasn't copied and gaslighted. It took me two or three weeks to figure out the basics without the need to get bogged down in drama. Poppy and Titanic made it seem she just upped and quit? They definitely spun T.S. as some mastermind creative genius and the next Andy Warhol.
I have no proof Repzilla is a proverbial disinfo shill. It's more that he seems to be one, imho. It's just not a battle I want to pursue. I'm actually done with the keyboard warrior schtick.
The Illuminati shite is nothing new. It's been going on since the emergence of sex, drugs and rock & roll. Oooh, look at those free thinking subversive musician rebels doing what thou wilt.
I agree this stuff has gone full commercial. Taco Bell makes Belluminati ads. I am about ready to quit the NBA as the players keep making too many devil hand gestures. The referees are so bad there are probably as many people who believe it is rigged as think Oswald didn't kill JFK or that marijuana should be legal or that military and police need to back the f off in so many ways. I am sick and tired of the idea that dissent equates to unfounded kookiness. Repzilla is not helping. He seems to do what the deep state is doing.
I'm sorry the dude who sued you felt the need to try to crush your spirits. What a meanie. We just have to let go of the shame and trust the lurkers will try their best to hear out our sides. That seems to be what happened to Brittany, some dr. evil plan to break her down mentally.
The strategy worked since she apparently has PTSD. I don't think they knew the lawsuit was coming. One guy in a video suggested they always knew this time would arrive. Maybe they knew people would never stop asking about Mars Argo, but not the court junk. I didn't expect it. I'm sure you didn't. No, I think they would have cleaned it up a long time ago if that was true. I think the gaslighting was done thinking Brittany would become less likely to take action. They had become so rich and powerful and she was basically with nobody status.
Corey desired to ruin her career by distorting her voice and act into his own creation. I think if Landis didn't say anything and if dudes like Marsii didn't keep asking about "Mars Argo," the lawsuit might never have happened. The statute of limitations would have run out. It's a bizarre little story, as is yours, mine and many others'.
As for Julian, I am not really sure what are good links. His internet has been taken away. My gripe is with the DNC and medium in general. Bernie was cheated. Craig Murray claims he collected the Podesta leaks in Washington, D.C.. I, like many, see social media as not only bread and circuses, but as an enormous entrapment honeypot. He has a blog. I keep meaning to visit it, but I usually end up watching old movies instead for internet time. I would have responded sooner, but I did some nature exercising instead. It's time to wean off of the internet to a healthier amount or it will destroy us.
I don't know if youtube allows links. This is Julian's original blog:
I wish Marsii would do a video on him. They are both Australian, so why not?
People should look into the work of Marshall McLuhan. I only got into him in the last several years and it is enabling me to have greater control over internet addiction. One great thing about us Yanks is that we believe not only in free speech, but in the right to be left alone. It can be hard to avoid ruts and the internet seems to be doing major damage to the collective consciousness. I do worry about younger people and their socialisation. They will be prodded by the state apparatus to take their cut of the consumer happiness pie. Attempts are made to divide and conquer them from previous generations and amongst themselves.
Sorry for rambling. My blog is getting next to no views, so I've been venting more lately on Youtube. Then I regret it. It's like I feel bad hijacking other peoples' channels. Twitter banned me. I have been thinking of perhaps creating YT videos. It looks like fun and easier to get page views than through Blogger. I do hate that Youtube and Blogger are Google, one of the obvious enemies to humanity.
As to the Freemasonry part, it's much easier to discuss it in England where they are somewhat exposed in mainstream newspapers. Here, it is spun as lunacy despite the fact that John Quincy Adams led the Anti-Masonic Party. I'm tired of the freemasons. I am sick and tired of police. I'm tired of divide and conquer between right and left. I sincerely believe the biggest problem for our country is the Military-Industrial Complex.
So to wrap this up, I think the Poppy story is a fun little distraction and not much to sweat over. It seems to have played itself out except for the epilogue.
Young people should stop wasting their time on fake music anyway although I sort of like Brittany's voice and thought she was funny. You clearly have entertainment skills.
This dude I used to blog with coined the phrase schtick theft. I'm thinking, okay, the schadenfreude is over and Poppy needs to go away. I despise corporate music. It's a fluke I got interested in this story? One could not miss Poppy. One could not, not ask wtf. She was forced onto everyone. Cue up Paul Harvey: And now you know the rest of the story.

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