Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Apologies to Karen Weintraub and Donkeytale

I have some plausible deniability but am not sure if it's worth trying to explain. Basically, I didn't know the comments were stuck in moderation from late last year.

This blog was named as a tribute to Dave Weintraub who posted as davefrom queens at Daily Kos. His sisters Karen and Michelle wrote a book on Dave which was published this year.

Their facebook page is here.
Their Amazon page is here.

Donkeytale, if this comment is real and it seems so, I am very sorry for thinking someone faking as you was you. I will never reveal your personal info. I was mad at the time and my reaction was an attempt to take back control of my own personal space. I suppose I wanted you to feel the same terror I have experienced or to get an inkling of what I was put through.

Someone posing as donkeytale had told me to back off of Barrett Brown with other comments seemingly trying to tell me how to think and act. This had happened before where a paid troll had tried to cause a division between us, so I should have considered it was happening again.

Here is the comment:

donkeytale said...
Thank God I went to your Twiiter feed to check out your take on the latest Americano Murder rampage.

Why wasn't I surprised to have you accuse me of being the shooter? LOL. Even tho you have my picture and know who I am.

What I am almost shocked at is you accusing me of being "Unknown" here.

You are that easy being played by this looser to out me? WTF?

First off, while I enjoy the blues as much as the next white dilettante I don't listen to the blues when I'm out for walks, OK? I don't listen to any music when I'm out for walks. I dont even own headphones or an Ipod for goodness sake.

Besides, you know I am more of a rock n soul guy, maybe twinged with some old timey country gospel ever once in a while.

Second, if you want to beat up on Barrett Brown by all means. Go for it, I'm sure he can handle whatever you can throw his way seeing as he did two years in Club Fed for playing a fool on YouTubes. I'm also sure he is now a cointel pro. Or maybe a cointel amateur. Who knows or cares? IDGAF either way. I think he now works for D Magazine which is pretty disgusting in its own write. Very mainstream North Texas Yuppiefied. I agree with you in the sense that he's wasted a shot at true grateness for becoming another Hillary apologist in the mainstream media.

I woulda thunk he coulda dunn better. But I don't mind. He just kinda wasted everbodys precious time.

Dont wank thrice, it's alright.

(It did occur to me while scrolling down your twits searching for clues about what I must a did to deserve this obsessive haranguatanging that maybe this too is all just one more elaborate love siren to draw me out of retirement? I still like to think of you fondly for all the grate schtick over the years aand peraps this is part and parcel of all that. But Nigel, please. I'm happily dunn. You are now set up on the path to Nirvana so don't let the loosers like "Unknown" get you down.

Or the loosers like donkeytale either for that matter.

And of course haha you already know by reading his/her drivel that I could never be "Unknown." Thas a goot one Lucy.

Maybe he/she too is part and parcel of this classic love siren? Or maybe he/she is Poopy Korn?

You are still the greatest. Carry on my wayward son.

1 comment:

  1. In the stats, it says that the current third demographic with the most visits is from "Unknown Region."
