Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Enlightenment is possible through listening to Alan Watts.

It's funny that whenever there is talk of influencers, Alan Watts is never mentioned. But if you do even a rudimentary search for his videos on youtube, there are tons of them. A guy like Joe Rogan has his channel and maybe a few fans or wtf also carry his mundane show. That's about it.

Watts, on the other hand, may be getting many more ears than Rogan or anyone else who gets big numbers. Joe is a shallow narcissist who seems to be part and parcel of cointelpro media. Alan Watts has been gone for a number of decades, yet his spirit and lectures live on.

Just my opinion- one should avoid any of the videos that add on background music. Also, since there is sheer volume to select, pick the videos with the best sound quality. Your best bet is probably the out of your mind series.

If you want to understand buddhism, he is the go to guy, period. Do not read the  comments. Try to avoid all comments and links on the internet and not just those pertaining to Watts.

He understood demented medium loops. Below is a five minute excerpt in which Watts explains how in a sane society, there will always be allowance for the few to go their own way. He mentions monks as the obvious example. But he is also speaking of each and every one of us. He says we shouldn't look down on the acorn in regards to the tree as a metaphor for those who don't see society as hoax versus those who do.

I have a strong feeling the below would be updated if Watts knew how rigged society was in every aspect. He wasn't around when Snowden and Assange delivered the truth goods.

So please keep that in mind when listening to the short video. Time has run out in which to hedge one's bets whether society is completely corrupt and fake or if there is hope as long as one keeps playing the game. It is no longer a luxury to kick back over many years and gain wisdom over decades.

The outrageous continuance of fake news signifies that it is time for masses of people to abandon social media. New alternatives must be created. However, there's the rub or glitch. Conditions do not presently exist for sincere alternatives to form and grow in political power. It's as if Jim Morrison was the most prescient of all:

But I'll tell you this, man.
I tell you this.
I don't know what's gonna happen, man.
But I want to have my kicks
before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.
Alright. Alright.

Quit the medium. Break the algorithm chains. End the state-sponsored mind control. Craig Murray picked up the leaks in Washington, D.C.. The Russian thingie is a hoax, period. Nothing ever changes. It only gets more demented like George on Seinfeld doubling down and ginning it up.

We're going to the Hamptons!

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