Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Sincere Question: Is Barrett Brown Part and Parcel of Cointelpro?

I liked Barrett Brown. He seemed to be the poor man's Julian Assange which was not too shabby. Humanity's power resides in its numbers. Most people are not in the military, do not work as policemen, are not Cointelpro and will never accept its assault on freedom of speech and association.

One major goal of government is to suppress masses of folks who would immediately sign on the dotted line if that meant environmental and social justice. The military is in control of behaviour modification indoctrination and compliance. The FBI is as much a part of the Military-Industrial Complex as any organisation. Cointelpro encompasses everything. It is the one conspiracy which explains the whole enchilada; that the law is controlled, held hostage and perverted on behalf of oligarchy and useful idiots. How else may one explain why nothing has been done concerning the DNC rigging a failed coronation? We are being told that our vote is meaningless and the DNC will select whomever they like with no legal repercussions.

Scripted drama has evolved into a basic component of rise and shine medium mythology. It makes zero sense that Brown continues to attack Julian Assange and especially when he is unable to defend himself. Rather than being a humble, miniaturised version of Julian, Barrett Brown has revealed himself as a parasitic mosquito sucking blood and spreading disease within social reality.

Barrett was facing about 100 years in prison. Then somehow he was in a halfway house and eventually freed. No one knows how his situation evolved because there is something called a sealed plea agreement.

True thinkers do not post propaganda. I soon enough gave up on Brown once he resumed participation at Twitter. I'm pretty sure Julian could get out of the embassy prison and have freedom of movement if he too were to cut a deal with Cointelpro. Sabu didn't serve much time for his computer crimes. He basically joined the FBI. They are called sewer rats.

At this point we can assume Julian Assange is in it to win it and for the long haul in that he will always value truth and integrity over personal safety.

Brown never explained anything about how he was gaslighted and entrapped by Project Vigilant and other demented programs created by the MIC. His plausible deniability is the sealed plea agreement. He cannot legally explain events? It appears that was part of his trade-offs in order to be released from prison.

There has been nothing authentic or rational about Barrett Brown's schtick since he gained freedom. No one real smears Assange. No one legit should be pushing the Russian hoax. If one didn't know his past and just saw his tweets from the last couple years, one might easily assume he is some form of shill.

Here's my theory of how Barrett Brown was flipped. It was basically the art of the deal within the sphere of military intelligence and cointelpro. An FBI agent or wtf basically befriended him. They wore him down.

*** Barrett, there are many people in the military-industrial complex who are as upset as you, but they didn't become drug addicts, associate with criminal hackers and make somewhat threatening videos on Youtube.

*** You can still be like them. You can either possibly spend the rest of your life in prison or sign the agreement.

*** You will need to help us in certain areas that will enable Good Guy military intelligence. We are in the process of democratising. You either want a better world and will join us or snot away your best years in the clink.

*** Barrett responded, "Where do I sign?"


  1. I guess audio of Richard Nixon drooling over Edgar J. Hoover is not public domain. Or someone didn't like me pointing out that Barrett Brown is busy yet again smearing Julian Assange. Or that apparently Tim Pool is buddies or something with Cassandra Fairbanks and funneling info to her on protesters. Someone was alleging that.

  2. Yikes, now it is available again. Wow. The internet is done. The Military-Industrial Complex and Silicon Valley are on tilt. They are trolling themselves.

  3. More evidence that barrett brown is likely cointelpro, ranging from accusing wikileaks of working with fascists (julian encouraged donald trump jr to leak/release his own tax returns, in which donald trump jr never replied and tweeted tax returns himself). From calling a bernie democrat running for congress a "bernie bro", all kinds of hillary shilling,criticizing people for using the term "neocon", supporting overthrow of iranian government, going as far as saying russia will exploit "dumb fragments of the left" and comparing it how "hitler did with the left" (WTF). I actually left out many pro ukrainian propaganda tweets/hoaxes he pushed.

    By the way, barrett brown has not tweeted anything that has "FBI" in it. Literally. He also has not uttered a word about any known individuals who targeted him in 2012 at all. And he went on a private tinychat room with a demented sociopath who talked to brown as "carlito2000". Which that demented individual leaked a screenshot in late 2016 the morning after. Barrett brown has ignored questions about that and not mention "Dr. NR".

    So here's proof with twitter links >>

    Your spiel about opposing Clinton over her war-mongering would be easier to believe if you weren't secretly collaborating with fucking Sean Hannity, Julian https://t.co/avMHp9FWou


    I don't think you know enough about me to make that characterization. Yes, I see Sanders and Clinton as "nuanced" people, though that's a strange adjective to apply to a human being. I strongly dislike the term neoliberal. I have several criticisms of Greenwald.


    It's too bad she's a Bernie Bro and thus hates women


    If you’re a fascist who wants to use the dumber elements of the left to help obscure your ongoing crimes, cozy up to Russia. Worked for Hitler in 1940. Works for Trump today.I


    Show me a man who thinks the Russia investigation is a silly distraction from more important issues and I'll show you a man who has only a vague idea of what Watergate led to


    Trying to figure out how I can support the Iran insurrection without being denounced as a neocon by various white girls


    I defended @Wikileaks for releasing DNC e-mails because it was an appropriate thing for a transparency org to do. But working with an authoritarian would-be leader to deceive the public is indefensible and disgusting. https://t.co/nMSQYbt9F6


  4. I hear you and agree. I was entangled in that crap and cyberstalked/smeared by the person you mentioned. This is capt. obvious to you, but for newbies, carlito2000/NR was buddies with Chet Uber who was tight with Lamo. I actually gave up on or seriously started questioning Brown's judgement before he was arrested. He had that crazy post at Daily Kos where he copied and pasted Bill Schmalfeldt. It was a wtf from my one or two (kevin bacon) degrees away.
