Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Is Lana Del Raytheon a real person?

I remember this account from my Twitter days. While searching for info on obvious paid fakes Cassandra Fairbanks and Styxhexenhammer666, somehow the above popped up in search results. I had added Styx to the equation after finding out he had been involved in a Youtube video with Fairbanks.

I tend to miss stuff in real time. I had no clue Cassandra had gone full wackadoo. I did know she was buddies with Brandon Darby and had tweeted on that.

She is a real person. Styxhexenhammer is also a verified real scumbag. One can see him. Lana Del Raytheon is obviously a fake name combining the singer with a military contractor.

There are tons of tweets concerning Raytheon's downfall. The guy behind the account did a mea culpa. But I need a real name and it is nowhere to be found. I see that he was published by Jacobin but under the pseudonym.

This story seems contrived to make guys on the left look like perverted misogynists. One account is asking folks for stories and info.

Irl? How about starting by coming up with a real name or one would be better off dating an FBI agent or wtf and asking them for the inside scoop. Everything is obviously rigged and fake. That's why cointelpro/deep state scum is all over the internet creating fake narratives and mayhem while purging anyone who poses a threat to exposing social media as a state-sponsored illusion.

They mimic and mask. That's in the Snowden documents. There is also the word blend. I liked C. Wright Mill's use of the word circumscribing.

I find the following a bit odd, too. Hoover was a Freemason Muslim Shriner. FvckFace seems to have the same kind of crescent symbol. It's just a hunch that the two are related in regards to the crescent.

Cointelpro is omnipresent garbage. It's the first thing that needs to be stopped if there is to be any hope for positive social movement. Such people are so despicable. Don't fall for it. My advice is to acknowledge they are paid fake scum and never look back. Let the system implode. Let it troll itself into irrelevancy. It is not a fair playing field and will never become one without a sincere truth and reconciliation type event ending the Military-Industrial Complex demented implementation of never ending fake cyber life. There is zero freedom of speech and association and now we know why. There is no freedom to think and grow via the internet, only to be gaslighted.

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