Monday, August 13, 2018

It must be a coincidence cointelpro asset Cassandra Fairbanks is a moderator at Reddit /Wikileaks?

This is the post I wanted to leave. Nothing fancy. And now I am afraid to say regular guys, two cents, solid and other common phrases which apparently derive from Freemasonry. But I digress.

Jennifer Robinson was on the BBC. The interviewer with fake righteousness asked Jen, to paraphrase, wtf was Julian thinking tweeting on Catalonia? I immediately shut it off. The medium is the message which thankfully when reverse-gaslighted, it reveals the true nature of social reality. The motivation behind state-sponsored censorship is to control narratives and brainwash internet addicts. It backfires due to the law of physics until all that is left is brute force and totalitarianism.

Just to gratuitously add- that everything is rigged, fake and run by cointelpro is my scoop. I was preaching such schtick well before Assange and Snowden proved it. It is being censored, but I wan't lying when I said I was driving the zeitgeist bus. With censorship, the fvckers can troll themselves. Everything said and done from this point on is not believable. The medium is the message, yet deluded Colonel Flagg still thinks he's got it all under control.

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