Monday, August 13, 2018

Reddit won't let me post

Reddit Conspiracy is telling me I have to wait two months to make posts and that meanwhile I can try to prove myself on a ridiculous semi-hidden no one cares about subforum. Wikileaks doesn't say I have to wait two months, but their robot also says I'm too new to make posts. So, here it is, what I wanted to post at Reddit. It's their loss. And I don't trust them one bit, anyway.

Venezuela Analysis temporarily deleted by Facebook

(This is odd. Blogger won't let me embed the youtube video. It can be watched here.)

The deep state desires internet addicts to keep buying into their narratives. We are supposed to be passive listener objects and not active thinking subjects. The Military-Industrial Complex cannot win debates based on facts. So now come the purges.

Everything is rigged and fake.

The silencing of Alex Jones is a psychological operation. By chance I watched him a day or two before he was silenced. I rarely watch him. I am 100% sure Jones is a cointelpro agent. It was a fluke to see it. Alex was acting bitter over Assange and how a petition or something wasn't going well. Then he said something, to paraphrase, about perhaps his schtick had run its course. My theory is Alex had foreknowledge his persona was about to get sauteed by the military's operations in Silicon Valley and that's why he spoke of his show running out of juice or whatever he meant.

So of course no one should be censored unless there is an actual crime. People can block. No one is forced to watch or read anything. Alex Jones is getting his arse sued for his Sandy Hook nonsense. That's a good thing. But let the courts decide if his entries or whatever should be taken down, not paid fake elites fronting for total military domination of society and world. It's not that there might be a slippery slope. We've been sliding down it for a very long time. The deep state in a nutshell cannot keep doubling down and ginning it up without censorship. That's what is going on. There has never been a time in history when random nobodies such as any of us could write and self-publish. It was watch t.v., read a newspaper or magazine, perhaps write a letter to an editor. Ooooh, like that ever made a difference. Life was easier in a big way. The ignorance was blissful. What was done to Bernie and his supporters was despicable. Trump won because most BernBots myself included refused to vote for H.. It's called dignity and washing one's hands of corrupt warmongering scum. Basically the ptb's couldn't keep peddling the Russian hoax when too many sincere, honest people piped up and confronted lying status quo pig narratives. That's what this new wave of censorship is about. People like me are not allowed to exist in cyber space.

I didn't become familiar with the internet zeitgeist until 2006. I was trying to lead a real life? I'm no Millennial who has never known anything different from this Orwellian experience which could last the rest of our lives. I remember pre-internet.

Okay, here's my theory. I admit it is not rocket science, but in my defense, this is my first Reddit post. I was banned by Twitter around Christmas and was banned by Youtube a couple days ago. But I'm not Alex Jones. I can't just go back to my infowars and 5,000,000 or wtf viewers and listeners. I can't get on The Real News such as Venezuela Analysis. I basically now do not exist. And I can't be some anomaly. A state-sponsored purge feels real. Only posters who show limited knowledge or otherwise don't rock the status quo boat too much are allowed to participate. If one of the original goals of cointelpro was to stifle social movement, what the heck are they doing now once they realise a poster is not a criminal and might actually gain some traction? Precisely, wipe them off of websites.

I gave up completely on the system after watching Bernie not do the right thing about DNC election fraud. It's too easy to say he was playing politics. It's too simple to say he didn't want to be seen as a Ralph Nader styled spoiler. It's always everyone else's fault and he didn't want to end up holding the fake bag. Step one should have been discarding of the superdelegate system. No, it's about astroturfing a hoax that Putin hacked the Podesta emails and gave them to Julian. That's despite Assange outright denying that happened and with Craig Murray claiming he picked up the leaks in person in Washington, D.C.. It hurts so much that due to Bernie's cowardice, true progressives have been herded into an abyss.

This is the endgame, fellas. It's called a police state. It's not about right versus left. It's about humanity versus the demented Military-Industrial Complex. Will Reddit label that as hate speech? Will they ban me? Neither Twitter nor Youtube ever explained what I did wrong. I suppose it is now a terms of service crime to believe in Julian Assange and be someone who supports the real left and peace. In a movie, a dude kept saying, "I am not economically viable." How many of us can now say, "I am not blogging viable." I bet it is a lot of people. So, it's not about me, yet it has happened to me, too. Today was the first day of my life that I've ever felt like I don't exist. There is zero democracy on the internet.

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