Sunday, August 12, 2018

State-Sponsored Terrorism

I should have given credit to the musician and now forget who it is. I am going to be adding public domain music to the videos.

Who are the real terrorists? They are certainly not Assange, Manning and Snowden. Who thinks the DNC was victimised by the Russians? Who doesn't think we are living out a sick reality? Who doesn't think the internet is completely contaminated which is exposing the harsh truth about this world, its governments and militaries? I say reverse the gaslight. I say stop clicking on mainstream links. The censorship is merely proving that many social critics have always been correct. Snowden and Assange emptied the toothpaste. It is everywhere. It cannot be put back into the bottle. Those guys and Manning are true patriots and heroes. They saw what could be done to make a concrete difference. They sacrificed so much. If anyone can sleep well at night with clear consciences, it should be them.

I'm still waiting for Trump to drain the swamp. It doesn't look like anything has changed except we are all now aware of social reality. The next step is to figure out where to go from here. It would make sense to go through courts and keep your chins up. This is so bizarre what's going on. Who doesn't think this is a nightmare?

There's the spiritual and material. Despite all of these horrors, one must stay strong and happy. It sucks that the medium provides no relief. I am a bit of a sellout in that I'll be watching Boston Celtics basketball for a long season. It's irrelevant and gratuitous or whatnot, but to me it will be a good escape.

I did notice on one of the below stories that the Daily Mail gave a much different slant than the Baltimore paper. The first image is from I think last year. It's in my photo archives.

It feels like I am starting over as a blogger. Ah well. I guess my schtick has run its course same as Alex Jones.

I'd like to see all websites tank for views. I guess it's unlikely and even if it happens, those can be artificially increased, no? So society as hoax is going to be run indefinitely, perhaps forever, or something nuts it seems.

But I'm the troll. I'm the bad guy. It's really like those dystopia novels. Everyone knows it. Anyone playing devil's advocate on that has to be a paid shill. Like the paid fakes saying if you're doing nothing wrong, it doesn't matter. I'm just rambling. I might force myself off of all these negative topics and attempt to go into Watts or make an effort to be more positive. It's a shame. People are meant to be groovy and glide through live, float through it in a spiritual way, like Krishnamurti once he left the cult. It's not good for health to always be the dude from Network.

It's tough to look the other way, forget about it and be all smiles. Quitting the medium and starving their profits is the least we can do. Injustice is so wrong.

I figured out the band. It's LJ Kruzer. The song is Chantiers Navals 412 from an album titled Dance Audit Hour. It says public domain.

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