Friday, August 17, 2018

Brief follow-ups to weird narratives

It's as if the algorithms had led to my looking into Lucien Greaves. I was skimming through a thread today concerning him and his Satanic Temple. Yesterday it had been reported that a Baphomet statue was unveiled by Lucien Mesner, et al in Arkansas' capitol.

On the surface it is a fairly simple story to the point in which it doesn't matter. That is the point of the medium. Nothing matters. Content makes no difference. Doug Mesner/Lucien Greaves is obviously the story. He is extremely suspicious. One person mentioned the Vice freelancer who had written a big article on him. The same was done for Jen Emick. When everything is rigged, there are big articles produced in which to establish a person's fake gravitas. Lee Camp gets on Fox News and then plugged by MSNBC and the Young Turks. It's a formula.

The entirety of the thread is boring discourse pertaining to Satanism, Christianity and separation of church and state type stuff. Only one comment provided any pertinent information and here it is.

And this is from his personal blog:

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

I used crosses above to indicate that's that for the above. Minimalism works. Anything else gives too much credibility to the topic and individuals involved. There are paid fakes for every sort of regular guy. The ptb's want us to stay within their demented rigging of social media.

The Aunt BB person is ridiculous as is her buddy Willy Loman. She admitted to being ex-NSA. What a moronic maneuver. There's a reason Anderson Cooper doesn't want folks aware he worked for the CIA. It might make people think, aha, that's why it seems he works for them, not worked. And omg, what a mess of a woman Gloria Vanderbilt was and is, but I digress. BB basically debunked her entire schtick with one comment claiming to be an ex-spy.

Her support for the wackadoo Assange smearer was bad enough. Here are some of his tweets:

Assange is a CIA asset? This guy's buddy claimed to have worked for the NSA for 8 years and he's saying Assange is on the deep state's payroll.

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