Thursday, August 16, 2018

I'm not too impressed with Russia Today

It's better than nothing? Is that what it's supposed to represent?

Are we supposed to watch them and Jimmy Dore and continue on with fake cyber life as if nothing has changed? Or as if these people are forms of activists? What exactly is gained by following so-called progressive internet?

I am speaking to the true thinkers and open-minded. I am not saying walk away to the red pill, one of the most blatant psyops to recently emerge. There was something called PUMA or Party Unity Me Arse which formed after H.'s defeat to Obama. That too was part and parcel of never ending bread and circuses.

What is up with weird over the top presentations by RT hosts? There's always a goofy smile with condescending preaching. What ever happened to just the facts?

Larry King is a mess. He is talking very slow as if he is a zombie. A conspiracy theory from the dinosaur era had dead Russian presidents propped up for months or years while the Kremlin worked on their next move. That's Larry King. Doesn't he have shite to work on before his body expires? Maybe I just caught him on a bad day.

But in regards to RT in general, I am not impressed. I've been watching them the last week or two and there's not much being produced. There are a lot of short clips. There's a lot of captain obvious. I don't get it.

I think Lee Camp is a CIA agent. That's my sincere opinion. Yet again here is a plugged comic with no proof that he is funny. Remember Dustin Hoffman as Lenny Bruce? That's Lee Camp. That's Jimmy Dore. The definition of a comedian is someone who makes an audience laugh. I found a young Lee Camp from seven years ago. He's not funny. He is not as cringe-worthy gross as fake comic Joe Rogan, but otherwise it's the same guy in that they are clearly acting as comedians. If they are comics, then I am a real filmmaker.

I see that Camp became famous after an appearance on Fox News. Then he was plugged by MSNBC. Then apparently Jimmy Dore and TYT took him under their wings. Now he has his own show at Russia Today. So now we are stuck with a fake comedian who doesn't know comedy yet is the chosen one to represent the left. And round and round goes the medium as part and parcel of rise and shine mythology.

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