Thursday, August 16, 2018

Fake News Strikes Again

"Oops. Sorry, fellas."

And of course the voice of fake reason Snopes is the second result. They will save us from Fake News? Is that what we're supposed to believe? And no way am I reading any of the 1400 comments at The Hill. F that. I won't read even one.

I'd go back to the real book I started last night.

And I'm not singling out The Hill. They were at the top of the search.

I could have sworn there was something about Jones not being on the air before this new thingie. I couldn't care less means what it says. If I inadvertently pick up some info and can put it together while not caring, that's part of me skill set.

That is pretty funny. I am curious how many newspapers ran with the hoax and had to do the retraction schtick.

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