Thursday, August 16, 2018

What Barrett Brown is doing is nothing new. It is the essence of internet cointelpro.

I started paying closer attention to the internet in 2006-07. That means for approximately 16 years, I did not GAF and was still relatively free.

I almost immediately became a cyber sleuth. Google was still in a semi-pure state as a search engine. It may have been 2007, but I could go backwards in time and investigate archives. One could easily get back to circa 2000 or a little bit before that. One could go even further back but then it became more of a grind.

But when the year was 2007 or even 2010, the ability to go back ten years was amazing.

The thing about attacking newbies has always been there. Today's censorship is part of that formula. I may have not been technically censored from the internet, but I might as well have been just that. On Youtube, I had thousands of subscribers and 1.1 million page views. On Twitter, I had a nice ratio of followers to following and that was with making an effort to clean out fake accounts from the follower list.

Why would I ever go back to Youtube or Twitter at this point? I would be starting all over. Plus, those places have been proven to be rigged. I would simply experience the same pattern and get banned again. Or what would be the point anyway since everything is rigged? And it's not about me in that this is happening to everyone except the mentally challenged and or otherwise impotent thinkers.

Military Intelligence is an oxymoron. They should be called Military Demented Idiocy. Snowden was a fricken choir boy in regards to apple pie and nationalism. His endgame was limited because of his ideological background. Not only are whistleblowers attacked, those people were in the thick of big mess culpability to begin with. We're basically hoping that Nazis will rise up against Hitler.

Jimmy Dore is limited because of his starting point. He was part and parcel of the Young Turks and hence of all rigged social media. He portrays himself as an intrepid citizen journalist. He is merely circumscribed into anthropogenic fake news.

Julian Assange had figured out a way to bypass state-sponsored actors with his anonymous drop box whistleblower system. He solved how to vet documents in which no one is able to claim he has ever posted anything fake. This is why all of the world's powers have colluded against him. Julian represents the raging fire of revolutionary thought. He cannot be bought. He valued integrity over personal safety and the results were magnificent. His point of departure was pure. One can go to his website through the wayback machine and see for themselves he has always been a regular guy cyber philosopher.

The 2000 election was a huge turning point in the history of internet convolution. It had seemed clear before then what was at stake. Winning the presidency was pushed as perhaps the biggest factor in social change. It evolved into the deep state's most successful psyop and limited hangout of all time.

FDR refused to let the country starve. Republicans as exemplified by Herbert Hoover were the fat cats without compassion and out for their own money. Roosevelt won four terms as most know before a law was added limiting a president to eight years.

He died in office and the warmonger Truman, the original triangulator, took over. He nuked Japan. He did it. We did it. It was us.

Eisenhower came next. In his outgoing speech or wtf he warned of the Military-Industrial Complex. I suppose he was a form of Binney from the past.

JFK didn't start out as greatness. There was the Bay of Pigs. He then started making a Malcolm X styled turnaround in world view. He listened to his brother instead of the war hawks and put a stop to the foolishness of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

The CIA killed Kennedy. Everyone knows it.

LBJ was a gaslighter. On the one hand he passed the Civil Rights Act. On the other he bombed the life out of Vietnam.

Everyone knows what happened with Nixon.

Carter brought a bit of relief but as president he was still in neoliberal mode in many ways. It's beautiful he evolved and became an amazing person into old age, but as president, he was left holding the bag for high interest rates or wtf and the hostage situation in Iran. He became the dartboard for know-it-all, red scare aficionado propagandists.

When Trump speaks of making America great again, he must be referring to the Reagan years. There were clear dividing lines. It was impossible to not become a Democrat. He was calling ketchup a vegetable in an effort to not fund schools. He caused mayhem in Central America.

Then came George Bush, the former head of the CIA, and a great example of Mills' concept of an iron triangle. The Republicans created both illegal wars in Iraq. The U.S. government gave Saddam the green light to invade Kuwait. An administration ambassador said we had no opinion on the border dispute between Iraq and Kuwait. Fake news is not new. What is new is that fake news has been verified by Snowden and Assange.

Military Intelligence was upset with Snowden because they claimed he made their jobs much more difficult. What that means is that it is no longer rocket science to see what is real and what is fake. It explains the censorship. Too many people grok the totality of social reality. They are able to counter propaganda in a manner as easy as chewing gum.

These purges are nothing new. The only difference now is that this is censorship on steroids. It feels like an attempt at an endgame.

The soul of the Democratic Party fell apart for good under Clinton.

They still try to talk a good game, but as philosopher Elvis Costello pointed out, "Pretty words don't mean much anymore."

The conspiracy story program took off in 2000. The election was a farce and it took weeks until GW was confirmed as Sewer Rat-in-Chief. Around the same time, the chemtrail theory took off.

The MIC was so invested in fostering that sort of confusion, that they continued to attack folks who spread the verified knowledge that Oswald didn't kill Kennedy. All conspiratorial chatter was to be tossed into the same batch. There was something called the White House Iraq Group or WHIG. There is clear evidence that the MIC planned to attack Iraq well before September 11th, 2001. That was attacked as conspiracy nonsense and as we now know, the CIA runs mainstream media, so that pure truth was easily contained. 9/11 happened. Electronic voting happened. Chemtrails were happening. The moon questioning was in full bloom.

Obama attaining the white house put a stop to the election fraud conspiracy story. He was our guy or so it seemed. If elections were electronically or otherwise rigged, it didn't seem to matter anymore. People were also giddy over the existential fact that a Black person had become the big cheese. We grew up on All in the Family and Roots. Progressives were tired. Okay, Mr. Obama, please clean up the mess. We took our foot off of the pedal.

It soon became clear that he was an Uncl3 T0m bailing out banks and doing nothing about cops. He was the gaslighter figurehead who co-opted Occupy Wall Street.

Hillary was meant to be President, obviously. The Republican field was miserable. Assange documents showed that the DNC in cahoots with mainstream media made sure Trump would be the nominee. It's called the pied piper strategy.

The state wants us bogged down in demonising the other. One must pick a side and take direction from the paid fake influencer class. That strategy was quite effective. It is based on the idea of the lesser of two evils and incremental positive social change.

This is the real world, son. Politics is the art of the possible and a form of football. It takes having a big fullback to move the chains a yard or two at a time. 

Greece and Britain voted left. We were up next. It was Bernie's destiny to become the next president based on Machiavellian geophysics.

My train of thought was disrupted. I need to get to the endgame of this blog entry.

The deep state desires a rebooting, period. That means pick a side and remain. There is no path by which to fix the big mess. It would take replacing all politicians and media. It would take nothing short of a total political revolution.

That is impossible because the oligarchy controls every part of the cyber space zeitgeist. No one believes in it across the right-left spectrum, yet we are powerless to reverse it.

Binney was on with Jimmy Dore again. Both of them sounded cynical and done. Welcome to my world, fellas.

There is a bit of news going around which asks us to come back to the medium. Rand Paul is calling for immunity for Julian Assange. Trump stripped Brennan of his security clearance. Alex Jones has apparently been completely shut down by the FCC. A friend told me about those things and admittedly I am kinda sorta curious.

Yet, it ultimately feels like more of the same old, same old. Under the Bush Criminal Syndicate, it became impossible to vote Republican and one was left with one option to vote for the lesser of two evils. Now it is the DNC which is impossible to support. The true left has been castrated. This is 1984. We have been left with nowhere to go and now we are told we don't even exist. We are not blogging viable.

This is what the internet is, period:

1 comment:

  1. I refuse to back down on chemtrails. If I called it weather mitigation, it'd sound more reasonable. Yet, folks might not realise I am referring to "chemtrails." I was watching some Lucien Greaves but not too much because he freaks me out. I had interactions with him on social media. I didn't know he was a bizarre wackadoo with one eye. For the love of God, wear an eye patch?

    In one video, he mocked chemtrails as one of the craziest conspiracy theories of them all. He said the believers think the govt. is spreading chemicals for mind control or population reduction. I studied that fvcker for a number of years and even before joining social media. I spent many days watching the skies over hours. I became a player at Chemtrail Central and that was my first indication that there was a conspiracy revolving around conspiracy. That's my scoop, period.

    Now everyone is admitting there is a deep state, cointelpro, shills, et al. Hmmmm, where were they when it was risky to go down that path?

    Long comment short, I found that the chemtrails were dispersed in the troposphere, not high enough to combat global warning. I found another study which showed that the troposphere was the best location for countering harmful UV-B rays from reaching the surface. I also saw that there were attempts to control hurricanes, even Olbermann covered that. And of course there are military applications.

    Kooky shite was astroturfed to ensure a low awareness of Frankensteinian atmospheric shenanigans. It's applied to every topic, not just this one.

    I found out early in this game that there is no freedom of speech and association on the internet due to the disinfo agents.

    Lucien Greaves is peddling the anti-kook schtick and that is extremely suspicious. I never thought "chemtrails" were for mind control or depopulation.

    I was anti-Satanic Panic as much as him. I suppose my best work was going after Al Giordano. It perhaps made the biggest dent in regards to Operation Mockingbird. As to the Kimberlin story, I was merely plagiarised and then circumscribed by cointelpro. I think Mandy Nagy was a useful idiot. I hope so, anyway. There is no way to tell without pay stubs. I did find it odd that Breitbart and them left me to rot. It is quite bizarre that no one ever approached me for info when I was the fricken biggest piece of the story after the Speedway Bomber. My blogging experience was perverted into a militarised alternate reality game which led into Weinergate and SWATgate. There was also I-Pad Keep-Away-gate. It was beyond the beyond.

    I was harassed by the same people who entrapped Barrett Brown. They are called Project Vigilant. Jen Emick was also a cointelpro actor. Stranahan and Darby piled on. Nothing is done to prevent the illegal psyops conducted on all of us. My tiny voice has been silenced. I'm just one guy trying to humbly give my testimony. We number in the millions. My experience was rare in itself, but in general, we are all getting brain-fvcked. We know who is doing it, and now they want us to check around to see if Alex Jones has lost everything. And Omarosa. The deep state is probably pushing those stories and hoping Jimmy will cover them. They must be wetting their pants over BernBots and Ron/RandPaulBots. We are the majority. That is the hidden secret they don't want us grokking.
