Tuesday, August 21, 2018

CIA Agent Anderson Cooper Explained

When all is said and done for legacy, Anderson Cooper will rank highly in regards to media cointelpro. This is not to underestimate the beauty of Hal Turner getting busted by Anonymous. Cooper is a big fricken name which is ironic because he didn't want to be associated with Vanderbilt.

That's where we must start and thus with his mom Gloria. And that means one must go back even further to when she was a child caught in a medium barn burner tabloid situation for its day. Her mom was a wild woman making Clara Bow look like a regular guy. Check it out for yourselves. It's very interesting American Studies. The medium is dead, so there's no point in writing ever again the way we used to. There should be an unbearable lightness to words or it's pointless.

I want to jump ahead to why Anderson is so fvcked up. Basically when he was a young teenager, Gloria took him to movies with adult themes. One showed nudity. The other one was titled Luna. I've seen that and it is one of the most disgusting movies of all time. It's about an incestuous relationship between a mother and son. Gloria Vanderbilt, who is still alive by the way, took Anderson at around aged 12 to a movie based on incest.

I think some people are born gay. Maybe he was. Probably. But I also believe there is a small percentage of folks who do hanky panky with the same sex due to sociological conditioning or nurturing. You know, nature versus nurture. It doesn't matter. It's just my opinion. I think nearly every gay person was born gay and that's how they are- God's children too just like any of us, etc.. But then I do think a bloke taken to Luna by his mom of all people could have been terrorised off of women. This is armchair psychology. I'm merely adding a bit of imagery and context.

There's other stuff. His older brother killed himself. He has an older half-brother who is now estranged from Gloria Vanderbilt. He's that guy Stan whose dad was a famous composer. Gloria's boyfriend basically broke up the kid's engagement to be married. The father figure or wtf terrified the girl and she fled the situation.

Stan basically said fvck this, fvck you, I am out of this demented setting. He probably muttered Vanderbilt, Schmanderbilt. That's a very sad story. He clearly made the correct decision. Carter jumped out of the window. Gloria Vanderbilt is creepy as fvck, period.

The other thing about Anderson Cooper is his bizarro resume.

Carter Cooper killed himself in 1988. Anderson graduated Yale in 1989. He was born in 1967. Despite the personal traumas including his dad's death when he was ten, he was still on track. Two other things from his Yale years grabs one's attention. The obvious is he interned two Summers with the CIA. The other is that he became a member of a Yale secret society named the Manuscript Society.

The early part of his resume makes it easy to assume he has always worked for the CIA since finishing his undergraduate degree in Political Science. The paid trolls say what's the big deal. He interned. That's talking months, ya kook.

Such trolls will avoid discussing his early grownup work years because it screams out Anderson Cooper is a CIA agent.

There's also something about him spending time in Africa in between graduating high school and going to Yale. That's not strange?

Some people get recruited  for spy work as teenagers. The interning is the ticket in.

So right after Yale he tried to get a job at ABC News, but they probably laughed in his face with the Political Science schtick. So he took a job with Channel One, the t.v. news propaganda that used to be shown to millions of young students attending public schools. He had a friend make a fake press pass and he traveled to Burma which is now Myamar. He produced reports and sold them to Channel One. That's how he became an alleged television journalist.

Uhm, there was a lot of weird stuff going on in that area of the world including heavy CIA involvement. Young people should study that rather than wasting time with demented medium loops. I'm just saying if one were to go to a foreign country to work for the CIA, Burma was one of those hot spots.

He's a fake, period. He had no journalistic training. He interned with the CIA over two years while in college. He ended up not only in Burma, but did reports for state-sponsored Channel One in Vietnam, Rwanda, Somalia and other troubled countries the CIA was heavily involved in manipulating and destroying.

So that's pretty much it as in an "I rest my case" moment.

It's not a pure pay stub as was found with Hal Turner's name on it, but it's close enough. In conclusion, Anderson Cooper is a demented CIA agent.

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