Monday, August 20, 2018

This doesn't feel right part 3

The absurd ridiculous viewer stats could have just been a spam operation. I concede that.

Yet, the Spy Factory has admitted to a program in which all our content is to belong to them.

Those are just two search engine results.

Maybe "they" want us to think it is random spam operations? It is apparently easy to fake where the referrals are coming from.

I checked into one of them and found this on its website:

This is circumscribing 101. It is the business model of the Daily Mail. It is how everything that is written is copied and plugged into computers. It explains demented medium loops, to be blunt. It explains plagiarism, fake news, psychological operations and basically wtf is going on in regards to military and government.


I can't be the only one who has wondered how these big tech companies are making money when nearly everyone is using ad blocker. Now we know. Google, Twitter, Facebook, et al work for the U.S. Military-Industrial Complex.

So we basically need a complete draining of the swamp in regards to corporate, military and executive. Good people need to be the representatives and senators. Good people need to drive bad actors out of their local governments. It is an incredible challenge. We are talking nothing short of a complete rebuilding of society as free and fair.

Demented medium loops prevent us from having a puncher's chance at saving society and planet. They do not allow us to form our own thoughts. They deny us of freedom of speech and association.

Tim Black reminds me of Jimmy Dore. It is impossible to disagree with him on nearly everything and that might be a big part of the problem. Everyone knew how disgusting and corrupt The Young Turks were. It shouldn't have taken those guys and others so long to hop onto the awareness boat. Teachers made a big deal out of Rosa Parks and Edward R. Murrow, but anyone who looks into it will find that both of them were underwhelming at best. Rosa was selected. Murrow was a captain obvious when it became safe to do so.

Look at the church pedophilia problem. That has been known for decades. That swamp should have been drained many years ago.

The deep state is not about fixing problems. They use them to create fracture points.

Many of us knew Daily Kos was a disinfo trap and controlled opposition. That was over ten years ago. Some of us did what we could to expose fake cyber life. The only thing that changes are the actors. Moulitsas is no longer a name anyone hears of or cares about. But that's okay. Cenk Uygur became that guy. Arianna Huffington had been in that role.

I always got a weird vibe from Niko House. At first, I was excited. Someone had tipped me off to Daily Kos shenanigans concerning North Carolina politics. There was the cook for good lady. Niko's schtick was very similar, imho. But I don't remember anything ever resulting from his so-called whistleblowing. It merely appeared to propel him as an internet personality. Now he is tight with Tim Black and also seemingly with Caitlin Johnstone.

Niko became famous through Tim? That's what I remember. I recently looked into Lee Camp and he also had a suspicious rise to zeitgeist power.

I didn't like how Tim seemed to be jotting down notes on each caller. This was during the BernBot Era. Tim propelled his internet career off of an appearance on the Dr. Phil show. That's a true story.

I find it fishy that Tim went on the Michael Trimm Show. Medium loops mean what they say. Circumscribing means what it says.

There is circumstantial evidence that Tim Black interviewed George Webb. I don't think things like that are coincidences. Sorry. I found it fishy that H.A. Goodman got thrown into our faces. In one Huffpo article, he plugged a miserable Project Vigilant sponsored website named Breitb@rt Vnma5ked.

The fricken Air Force has its own disinfo agents. We can't just say deep state, cointelpro, spy factory, shills or whatnot. The FBI is basically cointelpro and thus part and parcel of the totality of paid fakes. This is the biggest conspiracy of them all. It's called the Military-Industrial Complex.

Content doesn't matter because it will simply be rewritten, spun and circumscribed into the Orwellian social reality reboot.

There's really no debate to how demented the world has become. It was definitely like this before Assange and Snowden cracked the code. But now we know it for sure. We know everything. It doesn't make life easier, yet the MIC has clearly been exposed as the sickest, most deranged fvckers on the planet and why nothing ever improves.

It's all about the fracture points.

I hate to snitch on someone, but everyone knows that confidential informants tend to be people who somehow became entangled with law enforcement. Niko was arrested in 2013.

I don't know if he was convicted or what. I think the above says he was booked in 2013 for driving with a revoked license and a few other similar charges such as no inspection sticker and no insurance. That is from North Carolina.

Another website has him being charged in Virginia for a speeding offense.

If Niko is cointelpro, I imagine he started working for them in 2013 or 2015. I'm just guessing. I'm not saying he is a paid fake for sure. I do feel compelled to share my suspicions. Imho, he fits a proverbial profile of a participant in mysterious medium loops led by "influencers" with unearned zeitgeist gravitas.

Up above a bit and below was H.A. going on Niko's show.

H.A. starts off by going after Pakman. He mimics me. I think they attempt to circumscribe me into controlled opposition narratives. Niko showed up with some kind of whistleblower schtick similar to my entry on N. Carolina. H.A. was namedropping that disgusting cointelpro website. That was years ago before he became famous.

So he is attacking Pakman. The difference between myself and those who mimic me is that I'm telling people to stop clicking on their links. Their narratives are dog shite. I don't have the pay stubs like Anonymous had on Hal Turner, but the incestuous patterns seem obvious and inorganic. And I don't mind that this is conspiracy theory on the surface. I have pointed to the work of Marshall McLuhan. I have asked the audience to step back from the medium and observe it.

They steal that schtick, too. That's the point I suppose of NForm or wtf. That's the point of Caitlin Johnstone. That's the point of anyone famous or suspicious on the internet. They don't want us to leave and they will never allow us to think for ourselves.

The interview was in July 2017. H.A. mocked Pakman for being so wrong about H. winning various states. Yet, Goodman must be in the Disinfo Hall of Fame for ridiculous predictions. I remember him claiming Hillary would come in third in Iowa behind what'shisface, the Maryland governor or wtf. Martin O'Malley, that's it.

I don't watch these people in general. IDGAF means what it says.

Then they started plugging George Webb and Jason Goodman.

"They are amazing." ~~ H.A. Goodman

He says they are risking their lives and blah, blah blah.

Tim Black seems to have interviewed George Webb. Tim was definitely on the Michael Trimm show.

Just because people on the surface seem to be on our side, it could just be another cointelpro honeypot and disinfo operation. To simplify things, the vast majority consists of PaulBots and BernBots. We are the hidden true resistance. "They" wouldn't like us cracking codes and taking over the zeitgeist as Julian and Edwardo Snowden accomplished. My theory is that's where H.A. and Niko come in. Goodman is probably targeting the Ron Paul/Alex Jones side. Fake progressives target those who become disillusioned with the Cenk's. The deep state is in a panic because they have lost control of all the real Bots, the good folks who shake hands despite one side leaning left and the other right.

This cracking of deep state codes has been an incredible success and explains the censorship. Yet, that censorship in itself is a double bind. It can no longer be claimed that we are the best and most free country. The American internet system is destroying itself. People are waking up in droves. They get censored. Others fake wake up in droves via persona management, yet soul cannot be faked.

We must all be patient. This is unprecedented. The medium had a two or three hundred year run. Now no one real believes it, any of it. We must wait or more Assanges and Snowdens need to emerge. I'm just me. Someone else could learn from Julian's mistakes and start a new version of Wikileaks. I wonder where are the best countries of all. Iceland? We the people need a base. We need a part of this Earth in which the ptb's are incapable of messing with it.

I agree there is a zeitgeist or collective consciousness. I don't believe that is the same thing as how the internet currently appears. There is what they want us to think versus what we actually think.

So to me it boils down to the fracture points. Their desire is to separate masses of people from joining forces and putting together authentic political revolution. That's my final answer, Regis.

Poopy Korn kept telling me to check out George Webb.

And today I have learned that Tim Black, Niko and H.A. were also promoting him. I don't believe everything is necessarily a coincidence. I read that we know the moon and earth have very similar compositions and we know that from the rocks. Some of those rocks were exposed as fake. Maybe they all were.

I guess that is progress. Everyone knows the CIA killed Kennedy and most wonder if we went to the moon. Everyone now knows about internet cointelpro. That was me fricken schtick. I was on about it before Snowden and Assange. I've been following the internet for 12 years. The fvcker is imploding. Demented medium loops are getting glitched up to the yin yang.

It's a developing story flowing like molasses.

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