Monday, August 20, 2018

This doesn't feel right part 2

Today there was a two hour block with 1,727 visitors.

Most of them were from the U.S. and "Unknown Region."

The deep state is wetting its pants?
What else could it be?

This happened before right after I got banned by Twitter and went a bit prolific. The visitor stats took off. Then all of a sudden it was nothing. Then I noticed the demented MIC had decided to admit that every public word is now their property and they are going to monitor us for everyone's safety.

Maybe don't take steroids? Maybe don't join the military to begin with? Of course they are jealous and confused whenever coming across authentic free thinking people. Adrian Lamo was demented. Snowden could no longer live with himself and did the moral thing.

The MIC is deranged, period and everyone knows it. That's on them, not us. It'd be like some clown in 1880 saying, "Well, when I was younger I did some questionable things, owned a few slaves and some other stuff. But now I'm different!"

They are baby killers who have used technology to bring Orwellian ideas to fruition.

Snowden and Assange exposed them.

None of this is my fault. It's the military's fault! This is on them. They have fvcked up the world and continue to do so. They are to blame!

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