Monday, August 20, 2018

This doesn't feel right, imho.

Niko House and Tim Black have started something called JustNForm. It's plugged as taking the best aspects from the big platforms and removing algorithms.

Barrett Brown has something called Pursuance with similar lofty goals but he doesn't seem too popular or trusted by many people.

The problem with JustNForm is that it comes across as a honeypot. They want real names that they will then snoop the internet to verify. It is also a closed website. It makes no sense.

Niko says there is a third co-founder, but that the person will be revealed later. It might be Caitlin Johnstone? Niko also has an internet newspaper and most of its articles are by her. She worked for a shady fake news website called Inquisitr.

I don't trust anyone even some who are supposedly pro-Assange. Tim Black worked closely with H.A. Goodman. That's extremely weird. I don't believe that everything is necessarily a coincidence. Demented medium loops is an American institution with only the players changing.

Caitlin Johnstone pretty much called for McCain's death. I think it's okay to say something if someone is already gone, but she seemed to get right up to the line of inciting violence.

She's a female version of H.A. Goodman. And there's a rumour floating in the search results that she doesn't even write the articles. Someone or a few people claim it's her American husband.

Like when Breitbart died, it was fine for Mark Ames to do the chicken dance. I did it when Lamo passed away. Johnstone's doing it while McCain's still breathing.

Unfortunately with verified media cointelpro, I believe everyone should be suspected as suspicious, selfish, ineffective and/or somehow compromised unless proven otherwise.

The only member of the medium I believe in is Julian Assange.

Someone should definitely make a big free forum for everyone where nothing will be censored. Yes, the algorithms have to go. I thought Youtube was pretty good despite the algorithm rigging in that as a channel owner, one could curate and moderate their own pages. But with censorship, all that user-friendliness signifies squat.

People crowd sourced for Bernie. They could do it to create a free speech, secure outlet. I do want cable news to collapse including MSNBC and Fox, not just CNN. I do want Cenk Uygur and Joe Rogan to become irrelevant.

It would take another Aaron Swartz. All I see are folks posing as activists from Barrett Brown to Niko and Tim. Caitlin. Jimmy Dore. I don't hate those people despite not trusting them. I'm trying to not hate anyone. But they are not the answer. You're not Rachel Maddow? That's not good enough. The fight has to be for everyone's freedom, not just for the chosen few who preach the obvious while benefiting off of fake fame.

The greatness of Assange is that he established an institution with profound strength to attack the oligarchy. The police state is wetting its pants because the possibility remains. All it would take is someone with money, vision and integrity. We're missing true leadership.

That's the rub. The opportunity to build a new #1 democratic website is out there for both great and bad actors. It's not so easy to put one together. If one was Mark Cuban, it could happen, but then you are Mark Cuban and limited as that guy. We are all limited. And now they are saying we do not exist. Or that Caitlin Johnstone speaks for all of us or whatever nonsense narratives are out there. They number in the millions.

The number one fracture point is definitely right versus left used to elect bad right and bad left. Russia is the proverbial threat, communism versus capitalism. It's a fake narrative. For practical purposes, how are we to get good people into public office? It doesn't seem possible. So that is why the right left fracture persists. It's always a lesser of two evils competition between Archie and Meathead. The DNC are to the right of Nixon fricken. And if Trump was legit and trying to drain the swamp, why hasn't he pardoned Julian? He needs to get out of there and back to a normal life as Wikileaks editor. Trump would own this country if he pardoned Julian and gave him citizenry or he goes where he wants. He broke no laws. Yeah, I'm dreaming. That's the Q psyop. It's the Steve Pieczenik schtick- that good guy Colonel Flagg will save us.

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