Sunday, August 19, 2018

It feels like gaslighting.

I was lurking Reddit conspiracy. There is an entry which seems a little bit too close to my recent schtick pertaining to Jimmy Dore. I spoke of demented medium loops. I said it's very easy to agree with Jimmy on nearly everything, but that could be the problem. There is mention of mirroring and mimicking in the Snowden documents.

I suppose my best bet would be to stop visiting that rigged and demented forum.

It feels like gaslighting. In another part of the thread, suspicious usernames seemed to be mirroring my schtick on "paid useful idiots." Someone put up a conspiracy theory on villains with one eye. I had blogged about Lucien Greaves and went a bit nutty reacting to his eyes.

There's Aunt BB and Willy Loman. On and on there are shady internet players. I saw another youtuber who just so happened to get into the logarithms. Her name is Amazing Polly. She sounded good in parts of a video on the Five Eyes, but then I went to her page. She is peddling Q and the right/left fracture point.


Christine Assange is tweeting on Craig Murray.

Day after day passes with no change in the situation.

I tried an episode of Lou Dobbs. When did the right become wary of the Military-Industrial Complex and the left loves themselves some Spy Factory?

It's a psyop astroturfing that there has been an ideological flip between the two competing ideologies. It's basically fiction. Both parties consist of corrupt warmongers and Spy Factory enablers. Only a real political revolution will change anything, not fake ones. This is Rebooting 101.

The ptb's are desperate for a reboot. They know we are powerless to fight back through internet. I don't know what could be the next step other than bailing out completely from social media. Yet here I am still blogging, still lurking dumb conspiracy threads, still skimming Daily Mail, still listening to Dore and watching RT, still this and that.

The internet is very frustrating.

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