Monday, August 27, 2018

Is Carl Bernstein a Disinfo Agent? Is Water Wet? Is the Sky Blue?

About three days ago I blogged on Bernstein. I'm either psychic or it's a coincidence I'll write about something and then mere days later the story or name erupts in the zeitgeist.

I simply assumed he was a real journalist. I've thought of Woodward as a plant for many years, but somehow due to Bernstein's famous article on the CIA and the media, he seemed legit. By chance I watched him claiming Trump/Russia or wtf is bigger than Watergate. I asked, even you Carl Bernstein are a double crossing sewer rat?

Barrett Brown is not acting organically as neither is Bernstein if they were actually who they claim to be. Intrepid, sincere journalists do not possess so many damning contradictions leading real people to ask if they are paid shills.

I'm going to get right to it. Carl Bernstein grew up in the Washington D.C. area. Somehow he already had a newspaper job at age 16. The man has no college degree! How does a fake journalist end up with gravitas as a great one? It makes me wonder if Watergate was actually how it's spun or whether it was some twisted deep state reboot.

So there it is. Carl Bernstein grew up in Spy Country and became a top journalist considered one of the most honest ever at the trade despite never being educated.

I was one of the first to out David Seaman as a paid fake. That was on Twitter and before he built up a fake following with Pizzagate. He too grew up in that area. What I found is that the NSA recruits spies out of high school.

It's not rock solid proof they are disinfo agents. But wtf else could they be?

Demented medium loops cannot be bypassed. They are part and parcel of the Military-Industrial Complex endgame. Being left with nowhere to go means what it says.

I just checked. Just as Seaman's high school was targeted for applicants by the NSA, so was Bernstein's. I also noticed that Carl's parents leaned extremely left and he was against that. My conclusion is that Bernstein has worked for the Spy Factory since he was a teenager.

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