Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Yanny Versus Laurel Was a Psyop

I somewhat recall this story. I never paid attention to it. I'm funny like that in which I tend to study what I want to understand and not what the internet tells me to look into.

It was definitely Laurel. It was clearly a psyop due to the attention it received. But I knew there was the possibility real people did hear Yanny. It made no sense to me, but it's not like I actually looked into any of this before twenty minutes ago.

After wasting time watching losers make bad, irrelevant videos and reading predictable comments explaining nothing, I finally found a video which explained it. When the pitch is decent, one can clearly hear Laurel. When the pitch is lowered, it turns into Yanny. The thing was started on a Reddit thread and the voice heard was a computer program from an online dictionary.

The psyop is very similar to the Mandela Effect. I looked into that one because I did do some studying on South Africa. I knew it was a hoax. No one thought Mandela died. He was a form of Assange. It wasn't 1687 in 1990. There was television, books, radio, magazines and we were thoughtful back then. We didn't have this self-publishing mechanism, but no one was thinking Mandela died. We would have heard of that.

Did anyone think Mandela had died? Perhaps a few idiots did who barely ever heard of him. The same thing happened all the time with Abe Vigoda a.k.a. Fish. We all thought he died. But not Mandela. GW Bush called it misremembering. But just like the stupid Yanny/Laurel went fake viral, so did the Mandela Effect. So did Flat Earth. That's fricken cointelpro and everyone is starting to go aha, that explains everything and why the medium is such trash. It's rigged.

It just never ends at the truth. Everything becomes a psyop.

Yanny/Laurel? You can't trust your ears.
Mandela Effect? You can't trust your own mind

It's the same schmuck of a psyop.

The demented ptb's went overboard with the "conspiracy theory" schtick and were exposed by Snowden and Assange. Those two were a form of boomerang. The military was so demented, that Manning and Snowden spilled so many beans. What Assange did in 2016 was incredible. He tied all the criminals together as in complicity and conspiracy. But instead of making even a modest attempt at reform, the scumbags in power keep doubling down and ginning it up.

They refuse to concede that the right/left fracture point no longer cracks or that Blacks and Whites now see that they are being programmed to hate the other for cointelpro gains. Young Black people did vote for Bernie. Younger people tend to be much more honest than older people with myself as one of the exceptions. The ptb's are in denial that nothing they do anymore as disinfo agents works. That's how I see it. Good people sleep well at night while those fvckers have nothing but miserable demises. Their only path to redemption is to whistleblow.

And that brings us back to Assange. He is pretty much the only legit media out there. No one else publishes leaks like he did. I don't want to grind my teeth. I don't want anyone reading this to be sad. This is extremely frustrating being left with nowhere to go in regards to the medium and society as hoax.

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