Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Ye are looking at one big fat, stupid psyop.

Let me see if I have this straight. Two paid fake garbage news outlets, Buzzfeed and the Washington Post, are now presented as busting out some truth bombs on the Russian hoax.

Don't fall for it.

It's called a reboot of demented medium loops and the left/right fracture point.

George Carlin has been vindicated?

It's one big club and we're not in it?

I tried going to Voat since Reddit is such a garbage pit.

Every single website is contaminated garbage. Every fricken url is the same schmuck.

The reboot comes in various flavours. Of course everyone loved John McCain. Yes, the Washington Post will save us. They exposed Watergate. I can't think of much else right now. Oh, politics is so confusing. Thankfully football and basketball will start soon. We should stuff our faces and watch sports. Chris Cuomo and other real journalists are the only ones capable of saving us.

Although now it seems with everyone giving up on CNN, perhaps they are to take the fall, get thrown under the bus so to speak, as Nixon was back in 1972.

C. Wright Mills nailed it. The conspiracy is in the institutions.

CNN has run its course similar to Alex Jones?

I say everything has run its course.

The above screenshots were taken from a very interesting documentary. There was a time right before the internet or as it was starting to peck away at real life when satellite dishes were the new technology. During commercials one could watch people off t.v. while still on. The feed captured it. It's like sometimes one can find a basketball game and instead of it going to ads, the feed continues. One can check out the crowd, teams during timeouts, things like that which are not shown on regular guy t.v.. That's where the clip of Clinton being pampered with makeup came from.

I always thought the GW Bush giving the finger might be a hoax, but now I think probably not and he was captured doing that by satellite.

Back to Voat. It doesn't have that big of a membership. Nothing posted there seems to be too relevant. I'm not downplaying Pizzagate, but the website on the whole is garbage with more paid fakes than real people making comments and threads.

It seems pointless to even try to participate.

There's always some kind of gaslighting going on. No one wants to keep seeing antisemitic troll posts or other nonsense. Sure, the Israeli government is garbage. Leave the Joooos part out of it. Otherwise, it is just one more fracture point.

Someone dropped a comment praising a turd named Mike Adams. I guess he's called the Health Ranger. He is cointelpro, period. If I was running a website, all disinfo shite would be banned. And there's the double-bind yet again. Censorship is wrong but necessary? And there we go farther and farther down into an Orwellian nightmare.

Adams made a post basically equating Monsanto with Hitler and the Nazis. He basically called for violence against them. Everything is twisted into gaslighting. Monsanto is garbage. Adams is garbage. Both sides suck, there's nowhere left to go and all opposition seems rigged. It can only get worse?

Adams' "Hal Turner" schtick is still available through the wayback machine.

Biotech genocide, Monsanto collaborators and the Nazi legacy of ‘science’ as justification for murder

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