Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Why the Military is Carrying Out Surveillance on Everyone

The simple explanation is that they are demented.

They make it seem like all of a sudden in this last year that, hey fellas, we're going to be monitoring all social media. PRISM is nothing new and we all know about the inner dementia of the Five Eyes due to Mr. Snowden. How do they sleep at night?

They've been doing it forever our whole lives. Before this, it was called cointelpro and Echelon.

All we have is the truth that they are deranged and this is a nightmare.

They do not fool anyone. The military is basically a cult.

It must truly suck being them all knee deep in creating bloodshed and mayhem.

The simple truth is that the military are the real terrorists. It's called state-sponsored terrorism.

Snowden exposed it. They fvck with people on the internet and then akin to the sun rising each day, some nutjob takes it to heart and explodes with violence. If the military truly wanted peace, they'd join forces with folks like Binney, Snowden, Assange and Manning.

I do sort of want them to read this. I want to reverse the gaslight. I'm speaking directly to you, Private or Colonel BabyKiller. You are a cult member responsible for most of the world's problems. Imagine what good all that money could accomplish if it was taken out of the disgusting MIC budget. You are on the wrong side of humanity.

It's not even debatable.

Explain Hal Turner, motherfvcker.

How much violence did he create?

He was one of your guys. That's what you are. You are basically Hal Turner.

You're part and parcel of the people calling for Assange's death. Julian has something you will never attain. It's called integrity.

There is hope for you. There are ex-Mormons.

You know deep down that what you are doing is immoral and grotesque.

The military is a cult
That's written by a retired staff sergeant. He evolved. Go monitor your own demented cult, you monster?

No one is buying into your nonsense, anymore.

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