Thursday, August 30, 2018

Glenn Greenwald versus Carl Bernstein is the next rigged chapter in the state-sponsored fake narrative

Greenwald is the personification of garbage. That means if scum and trash were human, that'd be him. There are a lot of people who could be described as such. Carl Bernstein is also a disgusting piece of paid fake trash.

Now the military cult has decided to create a fake fight between them.

Greenwald is spun as a Russian asset and Bernstein represents the neoliberal fake progressive side.

Hidden within a boring New Yorker article on Greenwald is his belated acknowledgement of the Russian narrative. So who exactly is he working for if not the MIC? They were leaks, not hacks, and Seth Rich was probably the leaker.

Glenn Greenwald has been picking up some zeitgeist steam lately mocking Carl and CNN for their fake news.

They are all the same schmuck. It is a fake fight. Both work on behalf of the Military-Industrial Complex, its spy factory and the system.

Maybe outlets and disinfo agents like CNN and Greenwald will always exist. All of this is fake. There is nothing authentic to be found on the medium. Even Jimmy Dore and Abby Martin are a waste of time. All of this has become pointless. Unfortunately people tend to be asleep and incapable of realising greater truths on their own. They eat up the rigged zeitgeist as if it's real.

Thus bullshite persists day in, day out with no truth and reconciliation movement on the horizon. Then someone snaps like the Youtube shooter and of course it isn't explained how that was actually workplace violence and domestic terrorism. She had no clue due to mental illness that her plan was stupid and merely ruined her own existence and the random suckers she shot at. Her name is too difficult to remember. She did tap into the zeitgeist. She got 15 minutes of fame: .01 seconds for her original schtick and then 14.99 more for invading Youtube. Yet few will ever truly understand the significance of the tragedy. No one is allowed to explain it fully within the medium and anyone interested in meaning will only be allowed to grok a fabricated, simulated interpretation.

In regards to this entry's main topic, most will either pick between Greenwald and CNN or ignore both because it's too painful and takes too much effort to process true meaning.

There are demented people running the country and military. This truth transcends the inorganic right/left fracture point. That's the bottom line. We are clearly living out Orwell's 1984. All we are ever allowed to see are the psyops run over mainstream and so-called alternative medium.

I get censored and filtered but would never harm anyone. We the people have valid reasons to be angry and scared. But with a rigged medium, we might as well not exist. It is the ultimate double bind. We were born into a psyop. Snowden and Assange brought it to our attention. Bernstein and Greenwald, for two examples, work hard to ensure that masses of people will never understand social reality for what it is. That is the motivation behind demented medium loops.

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