Friday, August 31, 2018

JTRIG in action or it must be a coincidence "Unirock" acts like a disinfo agent

Demented medium loops explain everything.

NBC exposed Q-Anon based on the work of some Youtubers including someone named Unirock.

That's him in the left lower corner. He has an ultra fancy setup. The background is actually him streaming and commenting on another video. That is definitely Hal Turner but only as an avatar for "The Ralph Retort Killstream." It was one of those internet talk shows with avatars representing who is talking.

Unirock praises all the guests while acting stupid about them. The show was discussing a troll named Mundane Matt. When Hal flashes by quickly, he rewinds back to him.
And there's the guy. This guy is the one who hosts this show, The Killstream. Uhm, his face was just up there. I want to find out who... him.
Unirockers, we have to find out who it is because I want to share his links and I want us to be able to watch their show because I like what they're doing. They're standing up for free speech. They're showing the vulnerabilities of the Youtube system and making it so we start knowing why we're getting strikes and how to fix it.
I will post one JTRIG document in order to highlight the main point of this entry.

These people are called influencers in real cyber life. In the Snowden documents people who act like them are referred to as online covert agents. Or it's all a coincidence. Sincere people only seem to be paid fakes? That's my form of a disclaimer.

The above chart is what the agent provocateur works from. It's a cheat sheet. The bottom row labeled "Behaviour" seems to be the most relevant. If one has broken free from demented medium loops and gaslighting, then the other rows merely describe the meat of the psyop. There is always a moving on point. There is always to be a new narrative. The action is simulated. In this case it pertains to the topic of censorship. Alex Jones is banned. H3H3 gets his livestream shut off for mentioning him. TeleSUR got deleted by Facebook. All the little voices who are a bit too on target get disappeared from the big platforms. There's really no debating there is a censorship problem.

All militarised alternate reality games eventually peter out. Outcomes are simulated and then they move the herd along to the next fake drama to go viral.

No one in Unirock's comment section mentions Hal Turner or "KillStream."

I was able to figure him out by catching Unirock's initial clicking on the link. The guy with Hal Turner for an avatar in this podcast is Ethan Ralph of The Ralph Retort. One can duck duck go and find a lot of dirt on him.

A suspicious Youtuber named Unirock is praising that guy and telling his cult to watch his schtick. Yes, he is trying to create a cult. He calls people who watch his show, Unirockers. How come this alleged brilliant cybersleuth gets kudos from NBC News but has no clue about Ethan Ralph? It took me about a half minute of searching before going wow, wtf.

Unirock's simulated outcome is for us to stop creating conspiracies. To him, it's don't blame Youtube when it's vindictive random snitching. That's his spin.

In this show he also praised Styxhexenhammer666. Disinfo agents come in bunches.

One of the Youtuber shooter's gripes was that her fitness video was labeled as adult only. That cost her tons of views. There was also something about a video getting over 300,000 page hits, yet due to the adpocalypse or wtf, she only received 10 cents or dollars. I'm not sure. I never went for any money, so I don't know. The guy who shot McKinley was obviously deranged, but that was a political assassination. I should really use her real name. She shouldn't have done that. Violence is wrong. It can't be done. But like I said in a previous entry, that was domestic terrorism. She was trying to make a political statement. She didn't just make exercise videos and goofy parodies. She was an activist sent over the edge by an unfair world. Most of us grin and bear it.

All our internet lives are being ruined because of cointelpro. It was too good to be true that the internet could be a vehicle for positive social change. If everyone had freedom of speech, then the best would rise to the top or at least masses of sincere people could have accomplished so much with it.

Just because violence cannot be condoned, at least explain the true motives. It wasn't out of nowhere.

Here are a few quotes from this Unirock character and I also tracked down some Hal Turner. He is still promoting the same garbage on Youtube. Confirmed agent provocateur Hal Turner has been there for two years. His last video was made a month ago.

Stxyface says censorship is due to the algorithms. Unirock is saying he loves that guy and everyone should watch his shitty show, but that Youtube censorship is about the flagging system. It couldn't be the deep state that is trying to kill Julian Assange. No, not that according to the trash that dominates social media.

Unirock is exposed garbage for promoting easy to vet Ethan Ralph and then acting dumb about who he is. Ethan uses Hal Turner as an avatar. That's fvcked up. I'm not going to socratise him. The search results on Ralph speak for themselves. Styx is obviously fake. This is government censorship.

I didn't want to leave these below links. I want people to understand the concept of demented medium loops. It's better to know the internet is a total psyop than keep getting disappointed. There is no freedom of speech and association. The only people allowed to advance are the incompetent and the paid fakes.

Hal Turner Channel:

Unirock's video on Youtube censorship:

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