Friday, August 31, 2018

True Real News- 8/31/18

Wtf? Why did Dave Chappelle attend McCain's funeral? He can now never be trusted.

Farrakhan was at the Aretha Franklin funeral and look at who he stood with. Black elites in cahoots with the system are not going to save the inner cities.


There are tons of sealed documents which formed the basis of the Q conspiracy theory. Over two dozen MS-13 gang members have been indicted. That's not a big number, but a separate news report indicates the ACLU has sued ICE for detaining over 1,000 Iraqis. There seem to be other possibilities for why there has been a huge increase in those sealed documents other than a draining of the Swamp.

Since this is true real news, I feel the need to point out that Clapper thinks Trump may be planning to go on the offensive after the November elections. In regards to Julian, perhaps Trump will finally help him at that point. Or demented medium loops will continually push the idea of swamp draining and Assange getting immunity or a pardon at the end of his term. Julian's life is in jeopardy due to his unbearable situation. He is perhaps the most famous of all current political prisoners. He merits immediate freedom, not demented medium loops that apparently never lead to true real justice.


Frank Borman is a 90-years-old astronaut who found nothing interesting about going to the moon. A few quotes stand out. He says one of the only things about it he liked was the competition with Russia. He's being a total grouch. Apparently people think he wanted to have a poet on board.
No, I didn't- if I did, I didn't- the last thing I would have wanted on our crew was a poet.
Huh, wtf?

If he said it, the line was written for him?

There's also this comment on what he claims was the best part:
[Earth was] 240,000 miles away. It was small enough you could cover it with your thumbnail.
Maybe I am a scientific moron and there is an explanation for such an idea, that perhaps the lighting difference explains that. But Earth is way bigger than the moon and the latter cannot be hidden by covering it up with a thumbnail.

Perhaps he's speaking in code. Maybe he will make a deathbed confession, one we will never get to hear.


I'm glad the above woman was caught for allegedly killing her children, but it was done through researching her internet. She had searched Google for, "How to commit the perfect murder."

I am interested how authorities figured that out if not given the heads up by the NSA/Big Brother. What gave them the legal right to check her internet? Is this an example of parallel construction? Is there any other proof she killed them which provided a constitutional right to access such crucial evidence?

I'm not condoning murder, but I will also never condone the Spy Factory's crimes against humanity.


In England, there is something called Scroll Free September. They want us to quit the medium for health reasons. They would probably have more credibility if they mentioned my unpaid blogging which warns of demented medium loops.


Duterte is in the news again. He is claiming there is an increase in rape because the women are too beautiful. Why is that scumbag still President of the Philippines?


The woman on the right apparently attacked the one on the left leaving her with a fractured skull. The true real news admits sometimes it gets a bit random.


Darryl Hannah and Neil Young got married. I don't really care about that. Hannah seems to have become famous from playing a mermaid opposite Tom Hanks, yet that is a digression. What I wanted to point out is her weird looking face. She is only 57. Why do women keep getting plastic surgery when it obviously always backfires?


There's this 19-years-old woman named Madison Beer. Some claim she has already had plastic surgery. Why do I mention her? Why is she famous?

Everything is rigged and fake. She is a fake singer who became famous at 13 after Justin Bieber tweeted his followers to check out her schtick.

It turned out that wasn't even the real true news. It looks like Beer's mom and Bieber's manager were in a relationship or otherwise connected. That's why she became famous, not because Bieber "found" her.

And that's the way it was for August 31, 2018.

1 comment:

  1. I corrected a mistake. Sorry. I had misplaced Clinton, Sharpton, Farrakhan and Jackson at the McCain funeral.
