Saturday, September 1, 2018

That Time Sean Hannity Got Abused On National T.V.

Hannity was confronted on his own show for outrageous hypocrisy. He had gone all in on smearing Obama through his associations.

I think Sean Hannity is one of those deep state styled media personalities akin to Anderson Cooper. Due to the Orwellian nature of social reality, we are forced to retreat into pockets of awareness schtick. We can evolve into small non-violent cells with our only weapons being truth staples.

This blog was dedicated to the memory of Dave Weintraub who posted as Davefromqueens at Daily Kos. Some of his best work was investigating Fox News personalities. He was a superstar as a blogger despite being an outsider. This was from before the right/left fracture point was exposed as a hoax. The leaks from 2016 destroyed the facade that there is a bit of spontaneity to the system, that somehow we the people can change the country for the better, as in democracy. Before then no one had a clue except for the ultra-paranoid.

I met Dave through the net. I posted on his blog. He soon thereafter died. I was trying to talk to him about what I saw as a rigged internet as in fake left. I specifically referenced Larisa Alexandrovna of Raw Story. He said he liked her but would take a look into it. He even planned on allowing one day a week for conspiracy chatter. He wasn't into it that much himself but was against censorship. Moulitsas had banned conspiracy chatter. But beyond that, there was a struggle on big left blogs sort of like what we saw with Bernie versus H..

If this wasn't such a macabre disgusting predicament, it would be fascinating. Orwell was an incredible read. This is a real life nightmare. It sort of currently feels like a stale-mate. They own the medium, but so what? It sucks. They troll themselves. Everyone can see there is no more freedom of speech. That's the facade fading away. It's done. Democracy and freedom are dead.

It would have been quite interesting to observe Dave's reactions to Snowden and Assange revelations if he had lived. His mind would have been blown away by the Podesta emails. I think he would have finally understood that we've been left with nowhere to go. On the flip side, it was a double punch by Ed and Julian. The Military-Industrial Complex has been rattled to its core. The reverse-gaslight is a true phenomenon.

If we avoid whatever medium reboots they have in store, they will never fully recover. Things can never go back to the charade that it was before. CNN has basically melted like the wicked witch, for one example. I as one nobody can identify paid trolls without sweating. Things changed for me in 2016. It changed for all of us. It brought both hyper awareness and feelings of epic betrayal and isolation.

Maybe we should all think hard about this stop scrolling in September suggestion. I definitely have been on an emotional roller coaster the last few weeks. It is easier said than done to quit or at least take control of what internet medium drugs we ingest.

Like, here's a good documentary on Lenny Bruce. It is healthy viewing if someone wants some medium of substance.

Once one let's out a good cry, he or she can wipe off the tears and stick that chin back up. We are on the right side of history. The painful truth is that the entirety of the internet is contaminated by the Spy Factory. We must find new paths.

Here's a little mailed in video on the close friendship between Hal Turner and Sean Hannity. Or maybe they were more like colleagues is my guess. They worked for the same company if you get my drift. Anderson Cooper knows what I'm talking about. Brandon Darby. Lamo. Modern day cointelpro is conspiracy fact. It's not my fault that I've been vindicated in regards to the paid fake and useful idiot internet cointelpro schtick. Philosopher Gloria Gaynor once said, "I will survive." Ye will too.

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