Sunday, August 26, 2018

Jane Fonda in all likelihood has always been a CIA asset.


There is a parody website called Duffel Blog. The below was posted in 2014.

I had no clue Jane used to be pro-military and mere years before becoming Hanoi Jane. The satire article doesn't mean much. If anything, it makes one wonder if it was planted deliberately to pre-mock what info might eventually be released.

Anderson Cooper knows he is busted as a CIA media agent. Gloria Steinem knows it. Fricken Moulitsas from DailyKos knows it. Alex Jones knows it. Adrian Lamo knew it and the guilt was probably gnawing at him up to the end.

Francis Holland went after Moulitsas and was mocked. For the few times I posted on DKos I was mocked and ridiculed. Alexandrovna spoke of her CIA decoder ring. It wasn't my fault I knew exactly what was going on with the Michael Connell hoax amongst other cyber sleuthing I accomplished. When I saw "Conspiracy Stories" prominently listed in a Snowden document pertaining to the Five Eyes and cyber magicians, I went, "Bingo. Thank you. Me schtick has finally been vindicated."

The main conspiracy revolves around the demented "conspiracy story" program. There was Operation Mockingbird which is still obviously in place. Perhaps someday the phrase Operation Conspiracy Story or Operation Gaslight the kooks in order to protect Mockingbird will become common knowledge, too.

It's one thing to be in on there being a state-sponsored carnival. It's quite another for that and them to be exposed in an everyone now knows the rest of the story kind of way. Censorship only makes this more obvious. It's a reverse-double bind and curse on the Spy Factory.

Jane continues to sell books and work in Hollywood. One link has her net worth approximated at $120 million. I don't know how accurate those websites are, but she must be filthy rich.

Not only was she apparently Miss Army Recruiting of 1962, she has a verified association with confirmed CIA agent Steinem. From Wikipedia:
In 2005, she, Robin Morgan and Gloria Steinem co-founded the Women's Media Center, an organization that works to amplify the voices of women in the media through advocacy, media and leadership training, and the creation of original content. Fonda serves on the board of the organization.
I made a video at Youtube on Jane. Here it is. It was titled, "Jane Fonda must be one of those Stepford women."

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