Saturday, August 25, 2018

Why Did Rogan Do This?

I know it's a famous symbol people make with their hands. It's been a common smiley for rock and roll. I try to not overthink the secret society angle in regards to internet addiction.

If you search "Moon Hoax" on Youtube, somehow nearly every result comes from the debunker side, the fricken opposite of what's requested. The few that are pro-Moon hoax are produced by obvious wackadoos with flat earth in their usernames or with easy to see kookiness that no one wants to be associated with.

Most comments on videos mock people as stupid for doubting we went to the moon.

There's Joe Rogan who a decade ago was on the side of reason doubting a moon landing but subsequently made Tyson a guest on his show and now thinks of course we went to the moon. He moved the goalposts. He says we went but footage was faked. He made a cringeworthy, awkward transition. Think Cenk promoting Bernie, then becoming an obvious Media Matters/Truman Project/Neoliberal asset.

Everyone knows the bullet which killed JFK came from the grassy knoll. There's a line in one of the Snowden docs, to paraphrase, don't be too obnoxious or you will come off as a condescending shill. So deep state pushback against that truth has subsided. But the moon? They refuse to let that go. Try it for yourself. Search "Moon Hoax" in Youtube and it's mostly proverbial doth protest too much algorithm rigging.

This leads to Joe Rogan's biggest challenge, to not reveal that he is a paid fake while maintaining the herd's allegiance to his schtick.

Because in other shows he will have on Mike Baker. Content doesn't matter. The deep state's endgame is to channel group behaviour, to simulate outcomes, to always maintain the option of moving on to the next scheduled fracture point.

Anyway, I grok when people do the devil horn, like Jack Black or I think Obama even did it. It doesn't prove anything. But enough is enough. Fads are meant to wane. How come that one doesn't? The fricken pyramid is right on the dollar bill. I can relate to the Christians/William Cooper old school angle. But it's a setup. It's a ready made fracture point.

I sometimes do a stop and pause routine with videos. Rogan thought it out to make that subliminal. Here's the link. The sign is made at 11:16. One can play around before and after and observe him. It's called gaslighting.

He knew exactly what he was doing.

Does he believe in the symbol, that it gives him power or an edge? Someone would have to be blind to not notice all the bizarre Freemasonry imagery thrown into our mugs via social media. One needn't be a bible thumper to think it is demented. It's disgusting. But the Spy Factory merely twists it into the Christian/Pagan fracture point. The rest of us don't exist. We are not blogging viable. It's a call for christian page hits/anti-Hollywood versus StyxenFvckFace666 and Lucien Greaves.

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