Friday, August 24, 2018

Robert De Niro was linked to a prostitution group including minors; Snopes has no problem with that.

We don't need to know everything to understand the totality of social reality. It's called patterns. One can become knowledgeable in a single topic and then start to see the same underlying process in others. The final product is demented medium loops no matter what stories pull us in.

The De Niro scandal occurred about 20 years ago but reemerged due to his becoming a top spokesman for the fake resistance. I've been a big fan of the phrase both sides suck ever since earlier blogging days posting on Huffington's now defunct Debate Both Sides. But I digress?

Au contraire. For this one, there is Your News Wire and Snopes. Both sides are clearly fake.

This is a link to the original reporter who exposed De Niro's possible involvement with a slimy escort service for the rich and famous:

The sex scandal that wouldn't lie down

It is not an easy story to figure out. Think Ray Donovan or De Niro might be innocent. There's no way to know. But it does look like he used the service and was interrogated by French police for many hours.

I refuse to look at the YNW article. I did click on the Snopes one. Both have been exposed as fake news, but for the heck of it, I want to flesh out a bit on what Snopes did.

Is that like being mostly pregnant?

He is obviously linked to it. It's in court documents and truly happened. Now perhaps he had nothing to do with them and somehow got name dropped or perhaps he did sleep with someone 15-years-old. We'll never know because all news is fake. Or Ray Donovan fixed it.

Thus the story is actually not about De Niro and the brothel. It's about the left/right fracture point. Snopes is obviously a version of CNN for what they do. Maybe they work for Homeland Security and JTRIG seeing that their whole schtick seems to boil down to labeling all dissent as unhinged conspiracy chatter.

Let Chris Cuomo and other real journalists save us. Watch some PewdiePie, Poppy or something else stupid inexplicably getting millions of page views.

Oh, okay, Snopes has shown a bit of usefulness by linking to another article by Lichfield. The top link must have been a sort of update.

Cops Grill De Niro on Prostitution Ring

So wtf is Snopes on about that this is mostly false?

Why is Snopes trying to normalise pedophilia?
"The age of consent in France is 15, but the word “minors” is used for anyone under the age of 18."
I am sick and tired of the Daily Mail, but every once in a while they have real news and they are exclusives including the Craig Murray story. DM had one exposing Snopes as demented and suspicious as fvck.

"'Fact checking' website Snopes on verge of collapse after founder is accused of fraud, lies, and putting prostitutes and his honeymoon on expenses (and it hasn't told its readers THOSE facts)"

Paid fakes come in every variety. They tend to be felons who made deals with the deep state in order to avoid prison or are selfish idiot grifters or whatever like Anderson Cooper.

Maybe De Niro got caught in something and that explains the over the top insertion of his big mouth into the state-sponsored medium circus. Maybe Barrett Brown cut a deal. I can't say definitely or the ideas get spun as irrational conspiracy chatter.

Snopes is a big part of fake cyber life. It is no surprise they are still active. Nothing is done to clean the Spy Factory swamp. People like me are censored into little free speech zones. What's the hold up with freeing Julian Assange? So yes, things continue to be dismal in regards to democratic ideals. None of us are fooled anymore. We can see everything is scripted and controlled.

That's unreal that Snopes' big finish argued that 15 is the age of consent in France. They are demented. Everything has become Captain Obvious and surreal. The illusion has been completely lifted that the internet is free and that good people could use it to mobilise against dr. evil big boy leagues corruption.

Not only is the revolution not being tweeted, the internet is so contaminated in that one cannot know what the general population is thinking. I think most people are aware. Most of us don't have the skills to be an Assange, but his kind of vision is what's needed to have a puncher's chance at saving the planet and humanity. I am waiting for someone to save us. What else can be done?

What's needed is someone very trustworthy and rich to help we the good people to fight back against Silicon Valley and fake cyber life. No one's going to trust Barrett Brown or Niko House. I hope not anyway. It has to be people with altruistic vision and clear consciences. Picture Assange with Aaron Swartz creating a super website and maybe that's what I'm thinking. We need to learn from all our past mistakes and regroup from the sheer terror which is Orwellian and macabre. We can't give up.

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