Friday, August 24, 2018

Et tu, Carl Bernstein?

I like making videos but it's easier to throw stuff together this way. I eventually want to put up five minute news reports similar to radio but with some images.

Early in the cyber sleuth game, I realised anonymous cowards were pointless to go after. Oh, you have exposed usernames Numbnvt666 and FvckFaceFromEglinAirForceBase? That'll save us! Keep up the good work, laddie.

Right. Who ultimately cares? Fake accounts are a dime a dozen.

The Brian Gerrish dude from England is an obvious paid fake, but it looks like too much work to get a grasp on the various backstories. Same goes for Sam the Blogger. He associated with that clown and others. Who we associate with does matter.

It's been common knowledge that Bob Woodward was some form of disinfo troll. But Carl Bernstein? Omg, there's no one to believe in. Somehow I ended up watching the above interview. Carl might as well be working for the DNC or CIA.

There's this other clown named Richard Hall. Wac-a-mole means what it says. You out one fake and another pops up. It never stops. The deep state clearly controls both mainstream and alternative news.

I could backtrack and show the demented medium loop algorithms which brought me to Hall and Bernstein, but maybe the point is that all of this is pointless. It never changes anything. We always get our hearts broken by anyone we trust. I am talking medium zeitgeist players and not real life. Folks must always separate the two.

People should not allow demented medium loops from dominating one's internet addiction. Take it from someone who has seen it all and even experienced it from one degree away. Those who gaslighted and entrapped Barrett Brown are the same losers who fvcked with me. But unlike with Barrett, they failed in breaking my spirit. Me schtick has been vindicated.

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