Thursday, August 23, 2018

Mysterious Infotainment Algorithms

Asia Argento is up into all of our mugs. Satanic Freemasonry schadenfreude has hit the fan. TMZ or wtf has finally uploaded better pictures and someone leaked private messages in which Asia admitted to raping the kid according to California law. She apparently thought he was legal or is playing stupid. The kid definitely didn't look traumatised. He's just beating her and Weinstein at their own game?

The kid looked happy, although I think that is still statutory rape. If she was 21, then okay. 21 and 17 isn't too far off. But she was 37. That's gross. Period, fellas. Come on. Fricken.

Then somehow the algorithms sent me to Sam William aka Sam the Blogger or Swilliamism. I hope I spelled that right. If you are not a newbie to conspiracy schtick, I'm sure ye know who I mean. He's the kid in London walking around with the fancy camera pointing out and commenting on demented architecture.

He had a show before then with him off camera. He played the siren like William Cooper's Sign of the Hour, is that it? Sign of the Times. I forget exactly.

Now something has emerged which has called his regular guy gravitas into question.

It's this guy. I think I blogged on him here once before.

There's a bloke from Scotland or Wales, it's the funny accent. He has come out wondering what's up with Sam's schtick. Sam was on regular t.v.. That is definitely suspicious.

I was actually involved in a real story and the closest I came to active participation was Glenn Beck calling me the liberal fella.

I thought he was an amateur youtuber probably scraping by and who knows since that type of channel seems to be blocked from making money.

Long story short, I haven't a clue, but this looks like a good waste of time. The news guy and some other names are dropped, and quick searches show there could be some smear junk out there, true or not, because this controversy is all new to me.

It won't be covered like the Argento scandal, so here are some links if interested:

Me on: the ukcolumn

The announcer's name is Brian Gerrish.

Sam The Blogger Swilliamism UK 5TH COLUMN Hampstead Case Agents Exposed

part 2 My Thoughts

Oh, I almost forgot about the algorithms. I followed a link to a video on the McDonalds' lovin it jingle. Then Sam popped up. He had one on the M from McDonalds representing mom and our first food. Burger King went for the masculine market via the pre-Lebron king. KFC represented the mystery occult sciences with its secret recipe.

It was good in a way but of course for conspiro-tainment only. There is one video where he smears Snowden. I get the point the results were limited, but to insinuate Snowden wasn't a whistleblower is a grotesque, unfounded smear. He is stuck in Russia. It makes me want to know if SWilliamism has any opinions on Assange. Heck, if he is legit always talking up Big Brother, one might think Julian was always in his prayers.

This new schtick seems to be: let's not call anyone shills. I say, why not? One should be able to say such and such as was done with Anderson Cooper and Markos Moulitsas.

I believe it is shady he ended up on t.v. and even before this, I've concluded that no one should be trusted whether due to incompetence or possible complicity. The medium in itself is the enemy. I am unpaid wasting my time this way within the addiction. It's fun to express oneself. It's a hobby. I'll be killing time in a couple months following the Celtics. We will all survive this nightmare called rigged social media. A light bulb will turn on. Oh, I don't have to g.a.f. about such and such. Wake me up when Assange is free and has started a friendly meg-website for good guy internet addicts.

Maybe this is a glimpse into the future. Every algorithm will eventually take us to a certified state-sponsored influencer who will settle us down, let us vent, let us know they're on our side.

I'm a real progressive. The DNC is a corrupt crime syndicate. They didn't like Julian sharing that info. I've been left with nowhere to go. I like life in general anyway, so don't worry about me. But this social structure is insane. I fear being reincarnated into this big mess. Consciousness is mind boggling. What's the point going to be when we're dead. Poof, where'd I go? Turn back on the lights. Someone get me God. I got some questions.

And if reincarnation is true, and why not, what's gonna happen when the sun burns out? There have to be other planets, but it's a leap of faith that we'd be able to get there. Life's a gift. What does that mean? I'm starting to think Norm MacDonald is the hidden guru as a poor man's Bukowski. God bless the algorithms for telling me what to watch and think. Maybe Descartes ended history. I think, therefore I am. Right there we should have stopped while ahead. Overthinking will not save us.

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