Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The Daily Mail is demented trash

I don't mean to single out this one fake journalist, but I'm trying to crank out some content.

Notice how the above is written as fact?

What got me thinking was the Reuters part. Chris Pleasance writes for Reuters, too? It makes no sense? I went to Reuters and found the article which was lifted.


Hmmm, is Reuters okay with "Chris Pleasance" claiming to co-write stories with their paper?

It took less time to figure out this is a common Daily Mail tactic than to read either article.

Let's get back to the original fake journo. He claims to not write the headlines at Daily Mail.

This is from the first few paragraphs of today's stolen article:

I'm not going to sweat over producing this mailed-in blog entry. The dude might not write the headlines, yet his plagiarism presents the new info as if it is factual. There is only one sentence in which he shares that Russia disputes the new unproven smear. At Reuters there is extensive balance to provide Russia's response and there is even a second article written by Reuters staff going into even further detail. They make sure the readers know that the allegations are coming from Microsoft.

This is the extent of the DM fake journalist's education resume:

Fake is fake does.

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