Saturday, September 15, 2018

Alex Jones is Cointelpro

Who is Patrick Bet-David? He interviewed Alex Jones and it is on Youtube. (Sorry, they are not allowing me to embed their videos)

If you check from 59:43-59.48, you can see Jones deliberately make the devil horn symbol.

He even looks over at his hand before doing it. I caught Rogan doing the same thing.

It is part of cointelpro gaslighting.

I'm not making this up.

It was tough to get this one completely because it happens very quickly.

He is a form of Hal Turner.

He is trying to antagonise conspiracy kooks. It's a job description. Rogan did it the same way in which one could easily see it was cold and calculated.

Alex Jones is a disinfo cv|\|t, period. They pulled the cord on his accessibility because even Jones admitted that his schtick had run its course. Who interested in conspiracies doesn't know by now that Jones is a cointelpro agent?

The ptb's want "normal" folks to learn nothing from nobody.

What if everyone thought the military was scum and a waste of money? Precisely. Assange and Snowden basically ruined their plans. Individual nobodies were fvcking with their plans, too. Millions of regular schmoes have been silenced while Alex Jones is fake silenced. That's what this is.


  1. That's a great interview. I hope the host isn't a paid fake. He is pretty good at the craft leaving Jones unable to bully him or sidestep schtick flaws.

  2. Patrick Bet-David is an obvious paid fake after locating his backstory.

    His occupation is listed as "entrepreneur and financial advisor." He fled Iran aged 12 during the revolution. He joined the U.S. Army out of high school. He admitted on the interview to not having much for education background. He's a rich fricken cheese ball, to cut to the chase.

    This is good cop versus bad cop.

    They are the same cop. Obama bailed out the bankers while claiming to be for the people.

    Trump does the same. It's a show. It's called a performance.

    Right and left are the same guy. Both sides suck.

    I'm not regretting calling it a great interview. It served its purpose to wake me up.

  3. I've often found the ripoff report tough to believe, but there are two listings for Bet-David. If it's true, he is a financial cult leader running pyramid schemes.

  4. Yeah, I think Bet-David is a paid fake. His videos get next to no views or relatively speaking for someone with close to a million followers. He's got over 910,000 subscribers, yet most videos get views in some tens of thousands.

    He's got a few like the Jones interview pulling in big numbers. Otherwise, it's who the fvck is this guy?

  5. There's a scumbag channel named Pull That Up which is blatantly stealing the Joe Rogan interviewing Joe Rogan schtick. The problem is this one doesn't show Joe contradicting himself. It's basically a mindless promotion of the dememnted disinfo cvnt.

    I'm eating healthy foods. I'm trying to stay up a bit more to carry into sleeping.

    I'm going to be okay. I will gut this out to show others that they too will be brave when faced with similar situations.

    I do miss cigarettes but no way will I ever have one again. Although I need to be careful about gaining weight.

    I guess the thingies they pushed through my wrist all the way to the heart will last about 15-20 years and then I get new ones. I take a bunch of pills now. There is one most important used to prevent clots. I can never forget to take it.

    The worst part was having all those needles and stuff jammed into me. Thankfully I was able to leave after two days. I showed up to emergency at 10 p.m.. They took tests and found that my enzymes were at a high level. I would have died if I didn't go. The new fancy styled surgery took place the next morning. Then gradually my blood pressure lessened. It's still a slow recovery, but once they knew I was out of the danger zone, they let me leave.

    I am not happy this happened but will take it day to day and accept that it did happen.

    It's weird. Jones said he was prepared to die in the fake interview. That was done the day I almost died.

    We must always be ready to die for it is inevitable that the moment will someday arrive.

    Some people hate talking about this topic, but I've always been fascinated with Eastern Philosophy and meaning of life stuff.

    I'm done with the eating part of today and am nursing some water, standing up from time to time to literally keep the blood juices flowing.

    This is proverbial live blogging.

  6. Sorry to hear about your heart attack. The social media internet is the bane of stress, try to keep off it like you say, it's full of shyte and shytty people, and NO ONE CAREs, as you have pointed out. Take Care.

  7. Thanks. Excessive sitting seems to do the most damage. At a minimum, internet addicts should stand up and move around every once in a while.

    I think they gave me Fentanyl. I now understand and forgive Lenny Bruce. People should definitely stay away from hard drugs.

    Other than sharp arm pain from the stents procedure, I feel very lucky. I might be feeling brand new in a couple weeks.

    Maybe I will keep blogging as a nobody, hit 100, someone will find me and it'll be the autobiography of Jane Pittman but some white dude finally fulfilling a destiny. If Rauhauser killed Breitbart, maybe I stopped the Heidelberg fires.

    A quick search shows Tyree Guyton is back in the news.

    It used to be much easier to find interesting stories.

  8. I'd never heard of Heidelberg, interesting story thanks, his art seems very childlike, but uplifting for many it seems. More happy stories, they are always interesting.
    Also even though you will feel great soon, don't overdo it. My dad felt so good after his triple heart bypass, he overdid it and died of another heart attack weeks later. Not to put a dampener on your recovery, just be aware. again tc.

  9. I'm sorry your dad died after the initial victory. I'm okay with going into old man mode now rather than later. To be deliberate and wait for medical clearance.

    Old videos I recently uploaded of myself displayed some extreme bitterness. I did it to myself. The Radiohead singer was prescient.

    I visited Heidelberg. It's history and I'm glad they have figured out an escape route to preserve it. The fires seem to have stopped for good. That's how I heard of Heidelberg. It's the Black man's Andy Warhol styled art? I'm not gonna judge it. I like it. Tyree is very nice.

    I got a scoop in regards to a watch group run by a cop with a shady social media presence. This must have been pre-Bernie when the police problem had erupted into the American consciousness with the assassinations of Mike Brown, Eric Garner and Sandra Bland.

    The watch group had a funky interest in Heidelberg. I was thinking of the historic proverb; he who smelt it, dealt it?

    There's a video from the last fire. It's tough to identify the person, but he f'ed up and seems to have burned himself.

  10. I rewound the part where it blows up in his face. Reminded me of the part in the Breaking Bad Series when the old boy in the wheelchair, blows Gus and associate up, and Gus walks out with half his face blown off. 'Just deserts'?

  11. (Apologies in advance for this post goes on for a while.)

    I wish there was better footage because the group I exposed was led by a tall, lanky white man. They were supervised by a racist cop. They had members posting as pro-Anonymous. None of it added up. The local news people were easy to contact through Twitter, but they swore by the officer and wouldn't look at the evidence.

    There's no benefit to acting as an intrepid amateur cyber sleuth without a free press.

    My pasty white man advice to inner city activists would be to perhaps look into so-called neighbourhood watch groups. They might not be what they seem (see Hoover, J. Edgar).

    There was an obvious astroturf strategy to smear the Heidelberg Project which might also be the Breaking Bad name? .... I looked. Heisenberg. That's very close.

    For me and the KimberlinGate, Weinergate, BarrettBrowngate, SWATgate, BreitbartGate, DKosGate, whatevergate- that was a lot of Project Vigilant, imho. There is also something much bigger called the Truman Project which will need to be shut down. I'm funny in that I don't support war criminals. The problem isn't the need for cybersleuths. It's the need to vet and safeguard the info. Assange seems to represent the only means by which to fight back. I don't mean necessarily him, but his formula, the schtick, seems like the only hope of a weapon to fight for political revolution.

    But like you say, most people are shyteful buckets of despicable, vile menaces.

    I am feeling better each day. We learn from each incarnation. Yet, it's not about me. It's about just saying, period.

    There will probably be some modern day Church Committee; some type of flimflam ceremony. Google will be fake broken up. Bernie's great grandson in 2085 will declare, "That was another time and another place."

    I think we are no better than stereotypical Russia was with Pravda and no fifth estate. One must go back to the historic word of mouth, underground schtick. I think there is meaning to what I experienced. Not for my ego, but in regards to Meta. The ptb's are trying to reboot as if nothing has changed. They want everything to get extremely stupid for the next generation or two. As in, "We're going back to the 1950's, fellas. It's gonna be swell."

    I am awkwardly trying to reach for a literary, existential explanation for post-modernity social reality. There is the Taco Bell Illuminati. The MSM loves themselves some conspiracy as a word or in phrases.

    It's fascinating in a scary way. I personally think only an Assange styled whistle-blowing institution could possibly level the field.

    It's all good cop, bad cop? Obama pardoned Chelsea Manning. That was some solid gaslighting right there. It's a double bind. There may have never been a true political process ever.

    I think that is the historic message of Assange and Snowden. They uncovered barbaric conspiracy truths and were so disgusted by them they were willing to sacrifice personal freedom. I feel bad for young people, but if they are kindred spirits to elder "agitators," they don't need to rely on fake alternative media anyway and will figure something out.

    I think it's kind of funny there is a deep state monitoring and perverting all social media.

    It's the equivalence of electronic soylent green. It's the stuff of legendary books from the past. It's both weird and intriguing.
