Sunday, September 16, 2018

Original Videos

There were a few amateur movies I made for Youtube which were never uploaded here. Sorry for any duplicates. Once I'm back on my feet, DFQ2 will probably improve as a blog. One benefit to the recent health scare is that my brain feels clearer and stronger. But I'll have to wait for the rest of me body to get on board.

Bail Out; Internet Cointelpro

Mystic Stamps

Pakman/Uygur: Disinfo Agents Tied to the Hip

Michael Rivero Worked for Military Contractor McDonnell Douglas

My first video; on Disinfo Tvrd Robert David Steele


More shady people popping up

I think that's it for found old stuff.

If I wasn't in recovery mode, I'd probably be making new movies.

Here's a new obvious paid shill loser:

I'm pretty sure he is just another paid fake working for Homeland Security or wtf.

All he does is mock conspiracy theories. That's so original with nothing suspicious about it... Snot.

It turns out that "William Parker" has worked as a security guard. Ye can't fabricate this shite if you wanted to. They troll themselves.

The people working for Military Intelligence are demented losers. This clown is apparently one of them.

Disinfo agents tend to be very easy to spot. He couldn't guard his grandmomma's army boots. But resumes gonna resume and give away the double crossing, sewer rat shop.

This guy was probably hired by the Military-Industrial Complex while still in high school, same as an Anderson Cooper. I think they are everywhere.

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